SECTION V OFFICERS and Regents with ICD President Chandna. The Board of Regents amended the Constitution and Bylaws of Section V, harmonizing them with the Col- lege C&B and removing some barri- ers towards new candidates. The Board of Regents decided to continue to support the running proj- ects in collaboration with the NGO Mundo a Sorrir and initiated a new project named Colors of Calcutta. The Board of Regents elected Dr. Maren de Wit as the new Treasurer and Dr. Nairn Wilson as the new Editor. 62nd Annual Meeting In 2017, the 62nd Anniversary Meeting of Section V took place in London, U.K. The Section Presi- dent Dr. Shelagh Farrell, along with her organizing committee, put up a wonderful meeting. Guests of honour were the International ICD President Dr. Rajesh Chandna and his lovely wife Anu. The meeting opened with the Welcome Dinner at the impressive Middle Temple Hall, one of the four ancient Inns of Court. Scientific Programs The Scientific program held on Fri- day at the Royal Society, Carlton House Terrace was put together by Dr. Peter Floyd, Vice Regent of District 4, entitled “Microbial Life, and interactions both with other mi- crobes and with the human organ- ism” featuring Craig Gershater and Professor Iain Chapple as lecturers, followed by a panel presentation on oral health care in Europe, chaired by Professor Ken Eaton, which in- cluded presentations by Professor Elmar Reich, Professor Roxana Oancea and Dr. Paula Vassalo. All participants enjoyed a fabulous eve- ning at the impressive Skylon Res- taurant at the Royal Festival Hall. Induction Ceremony & Gala On Saturday, the Induction Cere- mony was held at the Royal College of Physicians. President Farrell in- ducted 53 new Fellows to Section V and one Fellow to Section XX. ICD President Chandna presented Fellow, former Regent of District 9 and currently ICD Editor and Direc- tor of Communications, Dr. S. Dov Sydney, with the prestigious Master award. The Induction Ceremony ended with the change of Presi- dency, where Dr. Farrell presented the Presidency of Section V to the 2017-2018 President Dr. Christian Robin, from Geneva, Switzerland. Finally, at the Gala Dinner Presi- dent Farrell and her husband Chris May welcomed the participants to an enjoyable dinner, providing a perfect conclusion to yet another memorable meeting of the European Section. 2018 Officers President: Christian Robin President Elect: Argirios Pissiotis Vice President: Gil Alves Alcoforado Past President: Shelagh Farrell Registrar: Argirios Pissiotis Treasurer: Maren De Wit Editor: Nairn Wilson Contact Information ICD Section V Europe Dr. Argirios Pissiotis 14 Pavlou Mela Street Thessaloniki, GR54622-, Greece Tel: +30 2310 234 655 Fax: +30 2310 239 980 [email protected] ICDigest 2017 THE GLOBE 2018 SECTION REPORTS 3 5