District of Paraguay Between the end of last year and the beginning of this year, the Fellows have continuously supported the programs of prevention of oral health, with speeches about the oral care and fluoridation, for patients with special needs. The Fellows have participated in the “Expo Feria Salud Bucal”, together with students from different faculties and the College of Dentistry of Paraguay. Last year, during the end-of-year holidays, an event was organized in a neighborhood of Asuncion with presents, breakfast and artistic activities for the elderly. Additionally, update workshops about treatment for TMJ disorders took place, headed by the Fellow Jorge Learreta from Argentina. District of Peru The recent elections called for reorganization in the District, with a new board chaired by Fellow Dr. Luis Canrejos. This administration intends to reinforce the original and philosophical concepts of the ICD, in order to foster the coming activities. At the same time, two lectures were given, “Strategies of Negotiation” by Dr. Eduardo Moane and “Let’s talk about Pisco” by Mr. Rodrigo Sot. 2017 REGENTS MEETING Section IV Districts met in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. 2018 Officers President: Alex Yoshiharu Otani Past President: Roberto Avalos Quero Vice President: Pericles Correa de Freitas Registrar: Milton Ramos Contreras Treasurer: Claudio Mendez Bravo Editor: Luis Araneda Silva Contact Information ICD Section IV Chile District Av. Santa Maria 1990 Providencia, Santiago, Chile Tel: +569 334048
[email protected] [email protected] www.icd-southamerica.org District of Uruguay The board, chaired by Fellow Beatriz Casnati, considers necessary to take measures aimed at achieving the prevention and control of oral diseases, apart from improving the image of the dentist. Programs of assistance for removable complete implant-supported dentures, care for premature babies and oral health for the elderly were developed, together with programs of support for research. The “History of the ICD, District of Uruguay” is being prepared. In charge of this project are Fellows Dr. Theresita Perdomo and Dr. Alberto Torielli. Past President’s Message Roberto Avalos It’s a pleasure to have the op- portunity to greet Fellows from all over the world with deep affec- tion. With your ICD fellowship, you have accepted to assume a new level and conception of responsibil- ity of professional tasks and duties. I must take this moment to share with you, with great force, something considered a tradition in Section IV at the Annual Meeting of Regents. The Registrar expressed, “It’s al- ways convenient to make present that each District is a different na- tional entity. Therefore, it’s neces- sary to take special care to respect cultural and language differences, to understand the particularities of each country, to remember the vast geographical distances among Dis- tricts, and to consider economic and political diversities between different countries of South America.” It´s our hope that attention will be lent to the fact that some countries in South America don´t have the possibility to have funds to pay their fees easily. I highlight Colombia for having the courage to hold the Annual Meeting of Regents and the 2nd International Congress of ICD South America in 2017, shortly after being formed as a District. THE GLOBE 2018 SECTION REPORTS 3 3