the Dental “Brigade” “Salud en Movimiento” project. Dentists from Spain, ICD Fellows and students report that 460 consultations and treatments at four rural communities of Yucatán were done. In the South Regency Zone, we started a project named “To Eat Better”. Postgraduate Dental Students from the Oral Rehabilitation Specialty Program from Anahuac Mayab University and ICD Fellows treated 55 older adults who received full dentures. Central Regency On May 27, 2017, through the Latina University from Celaya, Guanajuato and the Central Region Regency and leaders, Drs. Roberto Wuotto, Jesus Mario Herrera and Alma Godínez, the oral health workshop was organized, where the students, guided by the experience and clinical tenacity of the ICD Fellows, performed several treatments. The total number of patients submitted was 131, and the total number of procedures performed was 2,013. In May 2017, the Central North Zone Regency under the direction of Dr. JoséA. Sifuentes, participated in the dental humanitarian service BIANNUAL CONVOCATION Fellows from Section III Mexico, before the Induction Ceremony in Mexico City. 2018 Officers President: José Angel Sifuentes Sifuentes President Elect: Roberto Wuotto Díaz-Ceballos Vice President: Joaquín González Campderá Past President: Hector Luis Cabañas García Registrar: José Martínez Martínez Treasurer: Miguel Sánchez-Aedo L. Editor: Federico Pérez Díez Contact Information Dr. Federico Pérez Díez Francisco Sarabia 1282 Col. Prolong. Moderna Irapuato, Gto, Mexico 36690 Tel: 52462-6264365 [email protected] and medical brigade at Rivera del Bravo in cd. Juarez, where 225 people were treated. Patients were provided medication free of charge, and the dental materials were donated by different dental companies. On August 26, 2017, a Fluoride stain removal campaign was organized by the Regency Center led by Dr. Roberto Wuotto and Dr. Jesús Herrera. We had the collaboration of the Mexican Dental Association. On this campaign, 100 children were treated, including those with this dental condition due to the high content of fluoride in the water. Biannual Convocation On November 17, 2017, our bian- nual convocation took place, where 28 new Fellows were inducted. We had a very emotive and elegant cer- emony at the end of which we had the change of presidency and Board of Directors. Finally, we had a Gala Dinner Dance, where current and new Fellows, family, and friends enjoyed a wonderful evening. This summed up my two- year presidential term. I had the opportunity to approach the Regencies and sensitize the Regents of the importance of orienting, choosing and qualifying new members for our College. It is well known to all that the profiles of our Fellows involve a very important and delicate recruitment task. It is necessary to meet very important characteristics so that our College continues to have that prestige of high academic standard, with great humanism and good reputation that characterizes it. THE GLOBE 2018 SECTION REPORTS 31