b'SECTION REPORTSSection XXOver the past year, Section XX re-activated Regions, welcomed new leaders and received official structuring guidelines from the College.Registrars ReportReactivation of Hispaniola They also plan to hold symposiums Joseph R. Kenneally On Oct. 29, 2020, the Internationalandworkshopsdependingupon Council voted to reactivate Regionthe availability of active Fellows in-43, previously known as Spanish- volved in academics.speakingCaribbeanIslands.With renewed interest in growing the ICDLatin America and in the Dominican Republic and Hai- Caribbean Activitiesti, it became necessary to reactivateFromRegion21CentralAmerica the Region and appoint leadership.andGuatemala,RegentDr.Luis HaitiisaFrench-speakingnation, so the Region is now named afterFranciscoGrisoliareportsthatthe theislandthatishometothoseRegionproducedseveralonline twocountries,Hispaniola.RegenteducationalactivitiesfromUniver-Dr. Angel Eduardo Nadal Ponce ofsidad Francisco Marroqun. As the Iin my first Section XX Reg- Santo Domingo, Dominican Repub- provisionofdentalcarereaches beg lic, will be assisted by a Vice Regentits new normal, the Region imple-istrars Report by noting the re- ineachcountry:Dr.Jean-Pierrementeddentaltreatmentoutreach tirement of longtime SecretaryTonyCajouste,fromPort-au- to rural Guatemalan children using General and Section XX RegistrarPrince, Haiti, and Dr. Laura Virginiathe donation of personal protective Jack Hinterman. Jack did wonder- ReyesAlardoofSantoDomingo.equipment from the ICD and Henry fulworkingrowingtheSection,This outstanding team of leaders isSchein. especiallyinAfrica,duringhisplanning to create a strong and ac-tenure.Itismyplantocontinuetive chapter for Section XX. Dr.MarthaMutis,RegentofRe-organizinganddevelopingthegion 50 at-Large, reported that many Sectionintoastrong,functionalRestructuring in Africa of the Regions planned educational body,andre-activatinginactiveIn Region 34 Western Africa, newactivitiesatthe2020GreaterNew Regions. Regent Dr. Michael Agbor Ashu re- York Dental Meeting were canceled. 2020wasadifficultyearforportsassessmentoffuturecandi- Three Fellows were invited to partici-Section XX due to the shutdown ofdates for the West and Central Afri- pate during the Latin-American Asso-many Fellows practices and uni- can regions. They are beginning tociation of Pediatric Dentists (ALOP) versities and subsequent financialrecruit new members and are plan- meetingheldvirtuallyfrom Aug.17 distress.TheCollegeOfficeandning an induction ceremony in La- -Sept.30,2020.Dr.EliasMoron, ExecutiveCommitteedeemeditgos,Nigeria,forEnglish-speakingDr.SteffanyChamutandDr.Mutis West Africans, and in Cameroon orpresentedtheresultsoftheirstudy unsafe to attempt to hold a SectionLa cote dIvoire for French-speak- about fluoridation programs in Latin XXconvocation,buttherewereingWest Africans,ifenoughnewAmerica and the Caribbean, and their stillnotableactivitiestoreport.Fellowsarereadyforinduction. impact in the clinical practice. 3 6 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'