b'SECTION REPORTSSection VI IIAUSTRALASIADespite restrictions, the Australasian Section continues to support outreach programs and scholarship grants for young dentists.Presidents Greetingno idea what the pandemicwouldmeetings in May of each year can Rick Sawers AM bring to our region. The Board ex- be restored in 2022. pressed their gratitude to these two stalwarts of the College during theSupporting Future Leadersvirtual Board meeting.The newest member of the Sec- The Section VIII Board takes great tion VIII Board is Dr. Robert Adams,pleasureinsupportingemerg-whowillserveastheRegentforing leaders in our profession. Our Section again sponsored the New VictoriareplacingdepartingPresi- Zealand Dental Association Young dent Watkins. DentistsSpeakerDevelopment The new Board is looking forwardDay,whichwasheldinFebru-toservingtheFellowsofSectionaryin Auckland.Ourparticipation VIII. An in-person Section convoca- with this effort dates back to 2018, Imy first presidents reporttion will be held in October 2021,where the Board launched an an-t is my singular pleasure to writeat which time we will ceremoniallynual ICD Young Dentists Volunteer this,install the new Board and duly ac- (YDV) grant to encourage participa-forTheGlobe.Myinstallationknowledge the contributions of ourtion of younger dentists in volunteer as President of Section VIII of thedeparting Board members. programs led by our Fellows. The InternationalCollegeofDentistsinaugural Young Dentists Volunteer was via Zoom in March, and I sup- grantwasawardedin2019.The pose that is an example of a newOutreach Efforts Continue Boardwaspleasedtoawardthe standard practice for us all in theseDespite Restrictions 2020 ICD YDV grant to Dr. Haneen COVID times. Alayan of New Zealand.SectionVIIImeetingsandinduc-Leadership Changestions were restricted over the past2021 Event Planning15monthsduetothepandemic, Atthatvirtualmeeting,thenewbut our Sectioncontinuedto sup- The Board is grasping the recently-BoardofRegentsforSectionVIIIport volunteer programs in our re- introducedtravelbubblebetween thanked our outgoing President Dr.gionthatwereabletobecarriedAustraliaandNewZealand.The Keith Watkins, for his hard work andonduetoinfrastructureandlocalliftingofrestrictionshasallowed diligenceinkeepingourSectionpersonnelestablishedinpreviousthe Board to plan for our Fellows functioning well despite the restric- years. Grant applications for othertomeetduringtheNewZealand tions placedon us throughouthisvolunteer programs led by SectionDentalAssociationconferencein two-year term of office. Also leavingVIII Fellows have been rolled overRotoruafromSept.16-19,2021. was Past President Dr. John Owen,for review by the Board this fall. It isOurhosts,FellowsGraemeTing, who stayed on the Board as an in- hoped that the normal process forClive Ross CNZM and David Crum valuable resource for us as we hadgrant approvals at the annual BoardONZM, are developing a great pro-2 0 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'