vacations, this could cause a huge problem when parents must leave their children at home. That’s why the local church offers programs for the kids and youngsters to help the family to look after them in the day time to keep them away from drugs and violence. TICD teamed up with the church to offer dental hygiene lessons and oral checkups for students and kids. More than 50 children and the el- derly came to the dental hygiene program and checkups. Thanks to President Dr. Tseng, International Councilor Dr. Shiau, Dr. Lan, Dr. Tzee-Hawi Lin, Dr. Chin Kuang Wen, Dr. Yao, Dr. Yang and Dr. Chen-Tung, who set aside their busy schedules to be involved. Photo Album Convocation Ceremony The 2018 Induction Ceremony of the Taiwan Section was held on May 27, 2018. TICD was honored and privileged to have International President Dr. Clive Ross and ICD leaders from Section VII Japan. Seven new Fellows, Dr. Chung- 2019 Officers President: Ying-Kwei Tseng Past President: Wan-Hong Lan Registrar: Hsin-Cheng Liu Treasurer: Chin Kuang Wen Editor: Hsin-Cheng Liu Project Liaison: Hsin-Cheng Liu Contact Information ICD Section XII Chinese Taipei Dr. Hsin-Cheng Liu 13 F, No. 251, Sec. 1 Dunhua S. Road, Da›an Dist. Taipei City 106, Taiwan Tel: 886-2-2703-8323 Fax: 886-2-2704-9144 Mobile: 886-905-729-321
[email protected] nese-taipei TICD Facebook Hsing Li, Dr. Ching-Shui Wang, Dr. Chen-Feng Cheng, Dr. Shih-Ping Lu, Dr. Jen-Tsiu Huang, Dr. Chieh- Wen Oliver Hung and Dr. Chun-Jen Cheng, were inducted. The induc- tion commenced with Fellow Ma leading the inductees into the cer- emony hall. Dr. Tseng addressed in English to welcome Fellows and guests. Dr. Ross made a speech to highlight the importance and honor of being an ICD Fellow. After the opening speeches, the inductees were called to the stage to be inducted. Dr. Ching-Shui Wang pledged solemnly for all 2018 inductees to be committed to TICD goals. After the pledge, Dr. Tseng moved the tassel, President Ross awarded the certificate, Dr. Lee placed the key, Dr. Lan placed the lapel pin and Dr. Shiau gave the ICD cap to each of the new induct- ees. TICD bylaws require strictly that an inductee be present in the induction ceremony to be conferred the certificate and Fellowship. Following the Induction Ceremo- ny, Dr. Ross gave the Fellowship Orientation Program to the new Fel- lows. The Gala dinner had delicious food, fine wine and a live band. As the gala ended, Dr. Tseng reminded Fellows to be committed to the ICD motto “Recognizing service and op- portunity to serve”. Photo Album CONVOCATION 2018 The 2018 Section XII Induction Ceremony was held on May 27, where seven new Fellows were inducted, and many ICD leaders were present, including International President Clive Ross. THE GLOBE 2019 SECTION REPORTS 4 9