select corporations to sponsor the larger Section events. These part- nerships are rewarding to all parties involved. The other administrative item of note is that after many years of studying the issue, Section I will be migrating to a new, more flexible database in 2019, which will allow our staff to work more efficiently. For our spring meeting in May, I chose to hold it in Vancouver, Brit- ish Columbia. It will be great to visit with our friends and colleagues in Section II, and have social events and continuing education at the dental school. The fall meeting will be in conjunction with the American Dental Association meeting in San Francisco, California. I encourage all Fellows to make the trip and at- tend one or more of our events. We were proud that Bettie McKaig was sworn in as our International President. Section I continues to be a vital part of the College and looks forward to doing our part in the Cen- tennial celebration next year. USA Section Foundation Dex Barnes USA Foundation President The Foun- d a t i o n r e m a i n s active and is on track with its Strategic Plan. We had two successful meetings in 2018, one in Portland, Maine, and the other in 2019 Officers President: Peter P. Korch, III President Elect: James C. Setterberg Vice President: Gerald R. Karr Past President: Joseph R. Kenneally Registrar: Elaine C. Wagner Treasurer: Richard M. Smith Editor: Richard J. Galeone Contact Information International College of Dentists USA Section 610 Professional Drive, Suite 201 Gaithersburg, MD, 20879 USA Tel: +1 (301) 251-8861 Fax: +1 (240) 224-7359 [email protected] USA Section Facebook USA Section Instagram USA Section Twitter Honolulu, Hawaii. The Foundation and Section have been working to establish a protocol for working with potential corporate partners inter- ested in advertising in our KEY and other publications, or in sponsor- ing a project or event. We’ve had two corporate sponsors support an event, and one, Henry Schein Cares, establish a grant to help USA Fellows who need seed money to start a voluntary care activity in their home area. The grant applica- tion is on the Foundation Website. You should be very proud to be an ICD Fellow, and I encourage you to join the Century Club, a giving level of support for the Foundation. Make sure to check the donation line on your dues statement. For those who might want to give a larger amount, we have several events and office spaces that are available for nam- ing rights. We changed our ICD Section Past President’s Breakfast to in- clude the Past Presidents of the Foundation and some Honorary Corporate members, which was productive and helpful. Our corpo- rate attendees were supportive and proud to be associated with ICD, and they asked important questions and made meaningful suggestions. Working together for our mutual 2018 USA BOARD OF REGENTS in Hawaii last October. goals should keep the ICD in a good position to fulfill our Core Values of Integrity, Leadership and Service. We thanked our outgoing Trust- ees, Drs. Jack Clinton, Frank Con- nor and Bill Hunter, for their years of service. We elected Drs. Bob Frazer, Ed Morris, and Chuck Smith as new trustees. I want to express my gratitude to Kylie Evans, Paula Rinaudo, Mary Jo Webster, Jennifer Greenville and our fantastic Execu- tive Director Elaine Wagner for their continued support. THE GLOBE 2019 SECTION REPORTS 2 7