dental attention in the Kino Institute to 85 patients, consisting of dental surgery, extractions, prophylaxis, hygiene and nutritional orientation. Northwest Regency Fellows have held several project meetings. In May 2018, a scientific session was held in collaboration with University of Baja California. Three Fellows lectured. A fee was charged for donation of treatments for children of CLUB NIÑOS Y NI- ÑAS TIJUANA. Fellows will detect their needs and patients will be re- ferred for treatment at UABC. It was possible to obtain a donation of 350 brushes and toothpastes. Southeast Regency On March 2018, a conference was held with the participation of Dr. José Ángel Sifuentes, at the BUAP University of Puebla. This activ- ity collected money to be donated to “Mother Teresa House”, which treats AIDS patients. Oral hygiene products and basic needs like household cleaning products and food where bought for them. Central Regency On January 22, a business meet- ing was held with assistance of 12 Fellows, and spouses. On March 3, PAST PRESIDENTS MEETING where important aspects of the present and future of Section III were discussed. 2019 Officers President: José Angel Sifuentes President Elect: Roberto Wuotto Díaz-Ceballos Vice President: Joaquín González Campderá Past President: Hector Luis Cabañas García Registrar: José Martínez Martínez Treasurer: Miguel Sánchez-Aedo L. Editor: Federico Pérez Díez Contact Information Dr. Federico Pérez Díez Francisco Sarabia 1282 Col. Prolong. Moderna Irapuato, Gto, Mexico 36690 Tel: 52462-6264365
[email protected] ICD Mexico Section III Facebook they went to “Hogares Providencia” to do dental exams and prepare treatment plans for 43 patients, with help from University of Querétaro U.A.Q. On July 18-20, dental care was pro- vided to children of “Hogares Provi- dencia” by students of the Univer- sity of North Carolina and help from the Secretary of Health. UAQ Uni- versity provided Pediatric Dentistry students to perform the procedures. Seven Fellows participated. Dental and preventive procedures were performed on 21 patients, and 100 teeth were restored. Northern Regency Dr. Sergio Favela and the College of Dental Surgeons of the Laguna and the Faculty of Dentistry of the Autonomous University, Unit Torre- on, collected several toys for “Chil- dren’s Day”. In April 2018, at St. Marcos Paro- chial Center, the College of Dental Surgeons of Laguna, students of the Faculty of Dentistry and ICD did check-ups and oral hygiene instruc- tions to 60 children. Torreon was hit by heavy floods. Fellows Drs. Sergio Favela and Liliana Acuña collected food for the School of Dentistry. Other Fellows and the Regent made a collection for the people who lost homes. A Past Presidents meeting with President Sifuentes and President Elect Wuotto took place in Mexico City in August. Very important as- pects of the present and future of Section III were discussed, and a “Honor and Justice Committee” was founded with the Past Presidents and current President to resolve the situations that may be needed. They had a very busy afternoon with lunch, friendship and fraternity. THE GLOBE 2019 SECTION REPORTS 31