Honoring the Past, Securing the Future Funding is, of course, a major necessity and challenge. There’s been significant progress in preparing for the Cen- tennial Campaign, including the design and production of the Centennial brochure, developed with the assistance of Henry Schein. The College has also met with many of the top leaders in the dental industry, who have expressed sincere interest in supporting the College. ICD will also be present at major dental meetings over the upcoming year to engage and confirm support from corporate partners. In addition to the corporate program, there is a parallel campaign geared to encouraging indi- vidual Fellows to contribute to the success of the Centen- nial. To make a donation to this great event and to ensure the long-term sustenance and growth of the College initia- tives, CLICK HERE to make your contribution to a bright future for the ICD. We invite all members of the dental community to join us in preserving our legacy to recognize outstanding profes- sional achievement and meritorious service, and to con- tinue the advancement of dentistry for the benefit of all hu- mankind. THE CENTENNIAL BROCHURE is a six-page, full-color description of the College Centennial. The digital version canbedownloaded.Hardcopiesareavailablefordistribution at College meetings and events throughout the world, contact the College Office. THE GLOBE 2019 CENTENNIAL UPDATE 15 THE GLOBE 2019 Individual Major Gifts* MEDALLION $10,000 + Five (5) complimentary Gala Banquet tickets, and one ad- ditional ticket for every $1,500 contribution above $10,000, and awarded the Centennial Medallion at a special recog- nition ceremony during the Gala Banquet. PILLARS OF SUPPORT $5,000 – $9,999 Four (4) complimentary Gala Banquet tickets and Pillars of Support lapel pin. CIRCLE OF PRIDE $2,500 – $4,999 Two (2) complimentary Gala Banquet tickets and Circle of Pride lapel pin. MENTOR $1,000 – $2,499 One (1) complimentary Gala Banquet ticket and Mentor lapel pin. PATRON Contributions between $500 and $999 will receive Patron lapel pin. FRIEND Any amount up to $499. MATCHING GIFTS Does your company match gifts? Let us know and double the impact of your generosity. All Major and Matching Gift donors will have their names in- scribed with their giving category in the hard-bound com- memorative Centennial Book that will be given to all Gala participants and made available to Fellows, libraries and dental institutions around the world. DONATE NOW or call the College Office at 1-810-820- 3087 or E-mail at [email protected]. *All levels are USD.