Annual Conference. As part of the conference’s CE, we’ll be having an ICD presentation by USA Fellows, CLASS OF 2018 with Canada Section leaders. Registrar’s Report Gordon W. Thompson In 2018, important updates were made to the Section II Constitu- tion and Bylaws. As well, in the third year of operational updates, the Board of Regents approved three policy and procedure docu- ments; namely, the Committees of the Board of Regents, Nomina- tions Committee and Induction Cer- emony, and four terms-of-reference documents, namely the Constitu- tion and Bylaws Committee, Stra- tegic Planning Committee, Student Awards Committee, and Tartan and Logo Committee. The Board of Regents decided that a Retired Active Category of mem- bership should be established. The Class of 2018 was the sec- ond largest class of new Fellows to convocate in Section II Canada. In the last four years, 195 new Fel- lows have been welcomed into the Canadian Section. With the current total number of Fellows in the Ca- nadian Section at 754, the number of new Fellows convocated in the past four years is evidence that the Section’s recruitment strategies are effective. The generosity of our Fellows in making donations to fund humani- tarian projects funded by the W. J. Spence ICD Memorial Foundation is once again recognized. It was evidenced by the Board of Re- gents approving the Recommen- dations of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for the grant- ing of $27,850 for three worthy humanitarian projects. 2019 Officers President: Patti E. Grassick President Elect: A. Drew Smith Past President: Cliff H. Swanlund Registrar: Gordon W. Thompson Treasurer: Gordon W. Thompson Editor: J. Brian Clark Contact Information ICD Section II Canada 210-1600 Kenaston Blvd., Ste. 323 Tel: +1 (204) 349-3014 Fax: +1 (204) 349-3029 [email protected] Once again, the Board approved the granting of 10 student awards of $1,000 each, plus a plaqued cer- tificate to each award winner in the 10 Canadian Faculties of Dentistry. The Canadian Section has a Cen- tennial Committee that is looking into the ICD 2020 Centennial activi- ties and actions that the Canadian Section will be involved with. As well, it provides a good opportunity for reflection on the national and in- ternational contributions made by the Canadian Section and its rep- resentatives. open to all attending the confer- ence. I hope to see everyone there for a taste of Prairie hospitality! . THE GLOBE 2019 SECTION REPORTS 2 9