b'SECTION REPORTSof their time and talents, not only to our ICD family, but also to the great-er dental community, regionally and nationally. They are deeply missed. Muchliketherestoftheworld, Canadiansarelookingforwardto better times ahead while maintain-ingappropriatelevelsofsafety. With many, if not all provincial and nationalassociationsplanningonCHILDRENRECEIVEDENTALCAREduringatwo-weekoutreach virtual meetings for this year, ICDmission to Guatemala in February 2020, organized by Health Outreach Canada will follow suit for safetysand supported by the Section II William J. Spence Memorial Foundation. sake, with a virtual annual meetingtriciaGrassick,ofSaskatchewan.President of the Nova Scotia Dental and convocation in 2021. I look for- A few years before, Patti deferredAssociation and a Past President of ward to the time when we can onceconsiderationofbeingPresidentthe Nova Scotia Dental Board. again gather together to celebrateasshewasundergoingcancer the ideals of the College in person.therapy. When she was able, sheICDInternationalPresidentBet-Until then, stay safe. waselectedVice-Presidentandtie McKaig provided insightful pre-two years later became President. sentationsonICDprogramsand Registrars ReportIn the interim, the cancer returned,the Centennial at that same 2019 Gordon Thompson and she received extensive radia- convocationinSaskatoon.Bettie tionandchemotherapytreatment. passed away in February 2020 from ICD Canada hasShecarriedoutherroleadmira- ananeurysmwhilevisitingfamily. receivedfundingbly during the year and scheduledShe was the first female president fortheStudenther therapy around the SeptemberoftheICD,thefirstfemaleVice-ScholarshipPro- 2019ICDprograminSaskatoon.PresidentoftheAmericanDental gramfromtheTwodaysafterreceivinganotherAssociationandthefirstfemale QuikcardChari- treatment, she was chairing meet- PresidentoftheNorthCarolina tableFounda- ings and speaking when she shouldDental Society.tion. This is an incredibly significanthave been in the hospital. Sadly, af-donationthatwillprovidescholar- ter fighting cancer for over 25 years,2021 Officersships of $2,000 to a third-year den- Patti passed away in March 2020. President: Drew Smithtistrystudentselectedby10Ca- A participant at that 2019 Saska- President Elect: Heinz Scherlenadian dental schools. Fellow Lyletoon meeting and convocation wasVice President: Ed OBrienBest, his colleague Dr. Luc DugalAtlantic Regent Eric Hatfield. We allRegistrar: Gordon Thompsonand the Quikcard Foundation Boardmourn the sudden passing of Eric, Treasurer: Gordon Thompsonhaveprovidedthefundingforthewhowasone-of-a-kindandlovedEditor: J. Brian Clarknext five years. This provides a do- by all. He passed away in January nation of $100,000 for ICD Canada2020fromananeurysmwhilere- Contact Informationto promote the role of the Collegeturning home after giving back hisICD Section II Canadato dentistry students. Many of theseexpertise and personal time to the2318 Rutherford Way SWrecipients become ICD Fellows lat- profession as he so often did. EricEdmonton, Alberta, T6W 1P4 Canadaer in their careers. wasreturningtoYarmouth,NovaTel: +1 (780) 993-0615Morethananything,2019wasScotia, after spending time in Otta- [email protected] wa as a National Dental Examiningwww.icd-canada.organcebyCanadianPresidentPa- Boardexaminer.EricwasaPast THE GLOBE2021No. 2 9'