b'SECTION REPORTSSection VIINDIA, SRI LANKA, NEPAL whelming response from countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan,Egypt,SaudiAra-bia,Kuwait,South Africa,Nigeria, Myanmar,CanadaandtheUSA. All these webinars have been up-loaded on YouTube and are already viewed by more than 2,000 viewers. DENTAL CAMPheld by Section VI South Zone last year educated over 250 East Zone students about the importance of healthy oral habits.ThisZoneconductedaseminarries was organized by Zonal Regenttificate Program. Dr. Garima Poddar emphasisingtheroleofperiodon- Dr. D.N. Kapoor and Dr. V.S. Kohli,was appointed faculty for a diploma tal health and orthodontics by Fel- DeputyRegent.Alltheprogramsin Endodontics program by Univer-low Dr. Anshu Sahu at Ranchi. Vicewerewellattendedandhighlyap- sitat Jaume I (UJI). Dr. N. Kannan President Dr. Rajeev Lall presentedpreciated. A Tree Plantation projectinvented a new device named SPI-a seminar on adult orthodontics atwas undertaken at Tilwara, a remoteCRAB(Stabilization,Positioning, Dhanbad, held by Fellows Dr. Sau- area in Jabalpur, by Fellows. Immobilization of Cranium & Body). rav Purbay and Dr. Sahu.Dr. Ashish Kakar was awarded the A dental health camp was orga- South Zone ITI fellowship from Switzerland.nized with IDA Patna, where about 600studentswereexaminedbySouthZoneconductedadental Zonal Regent Dr. Amit Ram. A CDEawareness camp led by Fellow Dr. washeldatRanchwhereDr.DKVishwanathSridharan.Morethan2021 OfficersBhagat presented a seminar on the250 students from class nursery toPresident: R. P. Guptarole of radio diagnosis in dentistry10thgradewereeducatedaboutPresident Elect: Swatantra Agarwaland the latest advancement in tech- the importance of healthy oral hab- Past President: K. K. Chopra niques, especially benefits of CBCTits including hand sanitization. Vice President: Rajeev Lallinvariousdentalprocedures.Dr.Secretary General Emeritus: J. C. Ram and the Rotary Club of PatnaFellows in the News Chandna organized a general health check- Registrar: Rajiv Chughup camp in Patna. Fifty-six Rotar- Dr. Saima Yunus Khan was award- Treasurer: Meera Vermaians and their spouses were exam- edthe2020IADRJohnClarksonChief Editor: S. M. Balajiined. Fellowship Deputy Registrar: Y. K. Virmani Assistant Registrar: Vineeta Chugh Dr.GurvanitLehlwasawardedScientific Editor: Vijay P. MathurCentral Zone the Fellow of ISPPD Award for out-SectionVICentralZonesuccess- standingresearchworkandvalu- Contact InformationfullyorganizedaCOVID-19webi- able contribution in paediatric andICD Section VI nar series during July and August ofpreventive dentistry. Registrar Dr. Rajiv Chugh2020. This series included nine we- W5- Greater Kailash-Part 1Dr. Arpit Gupta was awarded anNew Delhi, 024 110 Indiabinarsfocusingonvariedaspectsinternational scholarship and admit- Tel: 91-11-9810020577of oral health care delivery. A num- tedtotheJohnsHopkinsBloom-
[email protected] of oral surgery webinars werebergSchoolofPublicHealthforwww.icdsection6.comalso conducted. The orthodontic se- theGlobalTobaccoControlCer- Section VI FacebookTHE GLOBE2021No. 2 17'