b'SECTION REPORTSYEAR-END PARTYinvited new Fellows to mingle with Section VII President Motoko Suda on Dec. 19, 2020.2019 Year-End Meeting Hetalked about the history, cultureic, it was held in a reduced format The2019Year-EndMeetingand national characteristics of Sanwhilechangingtheoriginalplans was held at the Imperial Hotel, inMarinoinJapanese,anditwasof special lectures and a reception Tokyo on Dec. 7, 2019, before theparticularly interesting to learn thatparty. Although we could not have pandemicstarted.ForthespecialhebuiltaJapanese-styleshrinemany participants, we were able to lecture,Mr.ManlioCadelo,theinSanMarinobecausehewashave a friendly gathering of over 30 AmbassadoroftheRepublicofdeeply impressed by the spiritualityFellow participants and new Presi-San Marino, was invited to give aof the Japanese shrines and ShintodentSuda,whilekeepingsocially lecture on Japan and San Marinoculture. distanced from each other.theworldsoldestcountries.Afterhislecture,weenjoyeda wonderfulchambermusicperfor- 2021 Officersmance by the Una Quartet. At thePresident: Motoko SudacocktailpartybeforethespecialPresident Elect: Morioki Fujitanilectures,internationalgueststu- Vice Presidents: Noriaki Kagamidents gave a poster presentation,Junko Inouewhich facilitated active interactionsPast President: Takashi Miyazakiamong Fellows. Treasurer: Hisako NanasawaEditor: Yoshinobu ImamuraRegistrar: Kengo Maejima 2020 Year-End Meeting Deputy Registrar: Koichi Kitamura The2020Year-endMeetingwasContact Informationheld on Dec. 19, 2020, in the HikariICD Section VII JapanRoom of the Imperial Hotel in To- 2-6-22 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku-ku SPECIAL LECTUREMr. Manlio Ca- kyo,underthenameofMeetingTokyo, 161-8558, Japandelo, the Ambassador of the Repub- with the New President, Dr. SudaTel: +81 3-3952-5155lic of San Marino, lectured on Japanand New Fellows, as the first proj- Fax: +81 3-5982-7751and San Marino at the 2019 Year-Endect by the new executive commit-
[email protected] in Tokyo. tee. Due to the COVID-19 pandem- www.icd-japan.gr.jpTHE GLOBE2021No. 2 19'