b'SECTION REPORTSA FIVE DAY MISSION IN GUATEMALAprovided 90 children in need with oral hygiene products, education and services. The outreach was led by Region 21 Regent Luis Grisolia and Vice Regent Estuardo Mata and took place in Guatemala Citys Universidad Francisco Marroqun School of Dentistry.Region 50 Fellow Dr. Alvaro Gra- succeed. It has held two meetingswas deemed safe to provide them. cia presented a course about boneand has finalized a set of StandingWith proper planning, support and adhesives used in dentistry at theRules,whichincludeinstructionsexecution, I envision a strong and InternationalAcademyofIntegralfor how to govern and lead the Re- successful return to action for Sec-Dentistry(AIOI)DentalMeetinggions,jobdescriptionsforRegiontion XX. held virtually in September 2020. leadersandrequirementsforFel-lowship. We hope this new initiative willidentify,developandpromote2021 OfficersStrengthening Governance new leaders and create sustainableRegistrar: Joseph R. KenneallyCollege leadership began an evalu- activities within each Region, result- Regents:ation of the structure and function- ing in improved enthusiasm amongMichael Agbor Ashu, CameroonFellows, increased educational andAhmed AbdelHakim, Egypting of Section XX as the only Sec- humanitarianeffortsandenoughHamid Adeli-Nadjafi, Irantionwithoutwrittenrules.IthasgrowthanddevelopmenttoallowCoretta Fergus, Montserratbeen administered by the Interna- some regions to join together andLuis Grisolia, Guatemalational Council or Secretary Generalform new autonomous Sections.Martha Mutis, USAsinceitsinception.MostRegionsICDleadersworldwidedecidedAngel Nadal, Dominican Republichave leaders who do not have writ- early in the pandemic that it is muchYusuf Osman, South Africaten guidelines. It is much easier tobetter to make things happen thanPankaj Patel, Kenyameetexpectationswhentheyareto let things happen. I am proud ofContact Informationclearly presented in writing.the efforts of so many of our Fel- International College of Dentists An ad hoc committee on Sectionlows to find innovative ways to en- 615 S. Saginaw St., Suite 3008XX structure was formed to creategagewitheachother,producingFlint, MI 48502USAand provide tools and documents toeducationalwebinarsonlineandTel: +1(810) 820-3087help Section XX and its leaders tolive efforts of philanthropy when [email protected] GLOBE2021No. 2 3 7'