b'SECTION REPORTS CLASS OF 2020inductees join leadership from Section XII Chinese Taipei on Nov. 8, 2020.low Ma leading the inductees intoInternationalCouncilorDr.Yuh- Fellowship. All TICD Fellows should the ceremony hall. Dr. James, Ying- YuanShiauworetheFellowshipbe committed to the College motto: Kwei Tseng, TICD President, gaveKey, TICD Past President Dr. Wan- Recognizing service and opportu-an address in English to welcomeHong Lan wore the Fellowship Pinnity to serve.Fellows and guests.andTICD Councilor Dr. Tzee-Hawi Due to the COVID-19 virus, ICDLin gave the ICD cap to each of the InternationalPresidentDr.Akira2020 inductees. The Section XII by-Senda could not travel to Taipei tolaws require strictly that Inductees2021 Officersattend the induction ceremony, butbepresentattheinductioncere- President: Ying-Kwei Tsenghe sent a video to congratulate allmony to be conferred the certificate the 2020 inductees. ICD Secretaryand ICD Fellowship. Past President: Wan-Hong LanGeneral Dr. Joseph Kenneally alsoFollowing the Induction Ceremo- Registrar: Chii-Chih Hsusentavideotocongratulatetheny,Dr.Yuh-YuanShiaugavetheTreasurer: Chin Kuang Wen2020 new Fellows.Fellowship Orientation Program toEditor: Hsin-Cheng LiuAfter the opening speeches, thethe new Fellows. 2020 inductees were called onto theThegaladinnerstartedat7:00Contact Informationstage to be inducted. TICD FellowPM after the Induction Ceremony.ICD Section XII Chinese TaipeiDr. Kenny Lee pledged solemnly onWith delicious food, fine wine andaDr. Chii-Chih Hsubehalf of all the 2020 inductees tolive band, guests and Fellows had a2F. No. 501, Yingcai Rd.be committed to Section XII goals.great time. West DistrictAfter the pledge, President TsengAs the gala dinner drew close toTaichung City 40350, Taiwanmoved the tassel, TICD Counciloran end, President Tseng again re- Tel: 04-2305-2456Dr.Ing-HsiangLeeawardedtheminded every Section XII Fellow [email protected] Certificate, former TICDthe responsibilities and value of ICDSection XII FacebookTHE GLOBE2021No. 2 2 9'