b'SECTION REPORTScrutches, walkers, a special wheel- plies and oral hygiene toiletries wasActive, two Master and two Honor-chairforshowering,facemasks,madetotheRetirementhomeofaryFellows. Thepandemicforced antibacterial gel and PPE. Charity for the Elderly at Puebla. many services to close their doors, OnJune14,withsupportfromincluding dental offices. As the cri-sis grew, unfortunately many people Colegio de Odontologos de CiudadSouth Regency havediedorhavelosttheirjobs Guadalupe, Urban Bulldogs AgainstOn July 1, the regency donated PPEandthesupportfortheirfamilies. Child Abuse and Club de Leones dethat was delivered to the paramed- Concerned about this situation, our Ciudad Guadalupe, assistance wasics from the Mexican Red Cross.SectionsCouncilofPast-Presi-providedto140families,aswelldents,thecurrentPresidentand as food for more than 160 peopleTheregencyarrangedavirtualthePresident-elect,hadseveral at31Diciembreneighborhoodoflecture on June 15. Dr. Humbertomeetingsexploringideastocon-Ciudad Guadalupe, N.L. On July 30GallegosspokeaboutSafeDen- tinue our humanitary labor without and Aug. 6, humanitarian work wastistry during the COVID-19. risking our Fellows. We decided to done at the Mara Siempre Virgenstart donations of food pantries and diningroom.Oralhygienemateri- helpful items for the needy and PPE als, assorted toiletry items and foodCentral Zone Regency forhealthworkers.Thefinancial were donated.contributionfromourFellowsand On July 15, the regency made thecommercial sponsors helped us in donationoftwotonsofchickencontinuingwithourlaborthrough North Central Regency packages from Bachoco company,this difficult year. Thank you all very to be distributed by foundations thatmuch.In June, our regency, through ourhelp to feed the most needy popula- Gladlyandtoourownsurprise, Past-PresidentEnriqueTrevio,tion of Guanajuato. despite the sanitary emergency, our made donations of 800 face shieldsRegenciesworkedveryhardand tohealthworkersofIMMS-ISSTEremained extremely active with hu-hospitals Ciudad Juarez. ICD-TV Program manitarian work, virtual lectures and This ICD-TV virtual Channel was bornFellow meetings. Watch VideoPacific Regency under the idea of Past-President Jos2021 OfficersFor the eleventh consecutive year,ngel Sifuentes, with the help of I+DPresident: Roberto A. Wuotto Daz Golf Tournament at Acapulco withInteligenciaDentalCompany.WeCeballosthe participation of several Fellowsaverage monthly 400-500 attendeesVice President: Jorge Zermeo from different states occurred. Rev- fromMexicoandSpanish-speakingIbarraenues were donated for humanitar- countries. In June, we will count twoPast President: Jos ngel ian purposes. years on uninterrupted broadcastingSifuentes Sifuentesand lectures. We are also on Face- Registrar: Laura LladSonora-Sinaloa Regency book, I+D webpage and YouTube. Treasurer: Miguel ngel Sanchez-Aedo LieroOn Dec. 15, this regency donatedOn Nov. 17, we had our 100 Anni- Editor: Federico Prez Dezoral hygiene material, food supplies,versary Celebration Lectures by Drs.Contact InformationblanketsandhouseholdcleaningLaura Daz and Agustn Zern aboutDr. Federico Prez Dezmaterial to Asilo Divina Providenciathe situation of COVID-19 in dentistry,Francisco Sarabia 1282in Agua Prieta, Sonora, in order towith a foreword about our ICD world- Col. Prolong. Modernahelpresidentsfromthisinstitutionwide labor by Section President Wuot- Irapuato, Gto, Mexico 36690have a better Christmas season. to. Over 1,000 dentists attended.Tel: 52462-6264365 [email protected] Regency Section Activities Section III websiteSection III FacebookOn June 10, a donation of food sup- Atthistime,ourSectionhas143ICD-TV LecturesTHE GLOBE2021No. 2 11'