b'SECTION REPORTSWORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY humanitarian mis-sion, led by ICD Section XIV and the Ministry of Health, provided dental treatment for 353 pa-tients in central Myanmars Thabotkone Village, on March 20, 2020. theumbrellaoftheMinistryofEditor APDr.MyatNyanandallCOVID-19 Response Team where Health and Sports, Myanmar. other participants. We couldnt ex- we donated US $800 to the Myan-SectionXIVswebinarforumoc- press enough gratitude because wemarDentalAssociation(Central) curred on May 12 through June 1,couldnt have achieved such a suc- and Mandalay Regional Branch. 2020,andwasorganizedwiththecessful forum without their kind sup- Additionally, many of our Fellows MyanmarDentalAssociation.Theport and contributions. havebeenparticipatinginCOV-forumhad16internationalspeak- A humanitarian activity organizedID-19 Control and Treatment Cen-ers and more than 600 participants.by Section XIV and the Ministry ofters as dental volunteers.WethankinternationalspeakersHealth and Sports, Myanmar, took Dr.PaoloMarkManzano,Dr.Libiplace in central Myanmars Thabot-Al-Muzian, Prof. Mohammad Almu- kone Village, in recognition of 20202021 Officerszian, Dr. Kandasamy Ganesan, Dr.World Oral Health Day. We providedPresident: Myo ThantPrasad Musale, Dr. Anand Narvekar,dentaltreatmentfor353patients.President Elect: Myint HtainDr. Gopi Krishna, Dr.Gyanendar Ku- Morethan800villagersalsore- Vice President: Thein Winmar, Prof. Shishir Singh, Dr. Vaihbavceived important oral health educa- Registrar: Thin Naing OoKumar,Prof.ChoiJung-Yoo,Prof.tion,toothpasteandtoothbrushesDeputy Registrar: Soe Min AungMontyDuggal,Dr.VivekHedge,thatweredonated.TheoutreachTreasurer: Aung Myat KyawProf.SeowLiangLin,Prof.Weiwas led by Section President Thant,Editor: Myat NyanJen Chang,Dr. Paolo Jesus Pan- ChiefdentalofficerandHonoraryAuditor: Soe Soe Thein gilinan, Dr. Spoorthi Ravi Banavar,FellowKhinMaung,FellowsZaw Dr. Naveen Jnanendrappa, Dr. LohNgwe Oo and Zaw Min Lin, 12 den- Contact InformationKai Woh, Dr. Jaime Edelson, Datotalsurgeons,threedentaltechni- ICD Section XIV RegistrarDr. How Kim Chuan, moderator Dr.cians and 10 dental assistants. Dr. Thin Naing OoNay Aung, Organizer Dr. Thant Sin,
[email protected] GLOBE2021No. 2 3 3'