b'SECTION REPORTSHUMANITARIAN AID CONTINUES DURING PANDEMIC THANKS TO SUPPORT AND PLANNING (L) Section VIII was able to continue its 2020 grant support for the Healthy Kids Cambodia program, which provides dental treatment for disadvantaged groups in Cambodia through partnerships and mobile clinics. Pictured is a local dentist training community health center staff to perform oral health promotion and place fluoride varnish. (R) Jan Owen (L) supplies oral health supplies in the remote Kimberly Region of Western Australia. The Kimberly Dental Team is led by Fellow John Owen and wife Jan, and its mission is to improve the wellbeing and oral health of Aboriginal children and communities in the Kimberley and Perth areas. Read MoregramtoincludeaCollegedinnerThe guidance and adviceof Pastforward to returning to normal in and convocation. The Board is alsoInternationalPresidentDr.Clivewhatever form that might take.planningafullSectionVIIIBoardRossCNZMandDr.JackieRob-meeting, dinner and convocation ininson, our two International Coun-Perth, Australia, on Oct. 30, 2021.cilors, to our Section is greatly ap- 2021 OfficersFellows Jenny Ball and John Owenpreciated.TheirknowledgeandPresident: Rick Sawers AMAM are developing plans for a ter- enthusiasm help us tremendously.President Elect: Thomas Tseng rific event. OurtirelessAdministrationOfficerPast President: Keith Watkins Dr. Ron Robinson is essential to theRegistrar: Petrina BowdenSectionVIIIremainsrobustde- efficientoperationofourSection,Editor: Jenny Ballspite the effects of COVID on Aus- and his advice and support are ac-tralasia. Our Section grew over theknowledged within the Section. Contact Informationpast year, thanks to Fellows recog- ICD Section VIII AustralasianizingexcellentcandidatesfromAdmin. Officer Ron Robinson among their peers. I look forwardLooking Ahead 10 Bendtree Wayto similar nominations in the com- My thanks goes to all Fellows in ourCastle Hill, NSW 2154, Australiaingmonthsforthetwoconvoca- Section for their ongoing support, toTel: 612 8854 4909tions to be held this year.New Fel- our Board of Regents for their dedi- Mobile: 0466 974 848lows will be officially inducted [email protected] VIII at the convocations incation to the College and to our Fel- www.icdsectionviii.orgNewZealandandAustralialaterlows who lead volunteer programsSection VIII Facebookthis year. supportedbySectionVIII.Ilook THE GLOBE2021No. 2 2 1'