b',SECTION REPORTSA VIRTUAL REGENTS MEETING was held via Zoom in December 2020 to discuss important busi-nessmatters,futuremeeting planningandactivities,andin-ducting new Fellows during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.sulting in restrictions and responsesapparent across Europe. At the De- ThePhillipDearFoundationre-including universities discontinuingcembervirtualBORmeeting,theceived a donation of 1,000 from all face-to-face lectures, and officesBoard unanimously elected DistrictDistrict 3 Scandinavia.and other activities being canceled.1 Regent Werner Lill, District 4 Re- The Phillip Dear Foundation is in Europeancountriesstartedtoim- gentMarkWrightandDistrict14discussion with ICD Global Vision-poseunprecedentedlockdownre- Regent Tomi Jukic for another termaryFundChairPhillipDowellto strictions,closingschools,stores,of office. Dr. Wolfgang Bockelbrinkexplore possibilities to involve ICD restaurantsandbusinesses.InwaselectedadInterimRegentofsponsors in humanitarian activities.March 2020, the Section postponedDistrict 6, and Dr. Aris-Petros Tripo-thePortomeetingto2021,whiledakis was elected Interim Regent ofICDigest 2021 was published this extending the officer terms for oneDistrict 7 until Vice Regent Dr. Dimi- Marchandonbudget.Dr.Walter trios Emmanouil was ready to takevanDrielmaintainedtheSection year.Theyalsorearrangedtheirover.websitethroughoutthepandemic, Winter BOR meeting to the Nether- PresidentAlcoforadosuggestedspecificallyhelpingtoupdateFel-lands in December. to further postpone the Porto meet- lows on the arrangements for future ing until June 2022, thereby incur- meetings of the Section.2020 Business Matters ring less financial loss. He proposed the officers should change in June The first-ever virtual BOR Meeting2021. Following a counter proposal2021 OfficerswasheldonJune14,2020,withby myself, it was decided to post- President: Gil Alves Alcoforadoa limited agenda, deferring all notpone the change of officers for yetPresident Elect: Walter J. van Drielurgent matters for the winter BORanother year so that President Alco- Vice President: S. Dov SydneyMeeting. Issues discussed includedforado will host the meeting in Por- Past President: Argirios Pissiotis proposed changes to the Sectionstugal in 2022, and President-ElectRegistrar: Mauro LabancaConstitutionandBylawstobringvan Driel will host the AmsterdamTreasurer: Maren De WitthemintolinewiththeCollegesmeetingin2023.TheExecutiveEditor: Nairn WilsonConstitutionandStandingRules,Committeewaschargedbythe andconfirmationofthelistofin- Board to propose arrangements forContact InformationducteesforPorto.Theamendedinducting new Fellows in 2021. ICD Section V EuropeConstitution and Bylaws were votedDr. Mauro Labancaon in an email ballot in September,Activities and Connection Corso Magenta, 32and all changes were approved. 20123 Milano, ItalyOnly one grant had been made toTel: +39 335 5207 242By mid October, the first signs [email protected] second wave of COVID-19 wereSo Tom and Prncipe. www.icd-europe.comTHE GLOBE2021No. 2 15'