b'SECTION REPORTSSECTION BOARD(L/R) Fadl Khaled, Ramzi Haddad, Joseph Sabbagh, Nadim AbouJaoude, Cedric Haddad, Nicole Geha, Philippe Souhaid and Edmond Koyess.that occurred Aug. 4, 2020, lefthelp and support. The Middle Eastcreditedformorethen40CME. 300,000 people homeless withSection, especially with all the ef- Parallel to these two events, there a total destruction of more thanfortsofitsPresident AbouJaoudewereeventsforthedentalassis-20,000 units of property in totalandthe Sections Officers, is pro- tants and lab technicians. The Sec-devastation. Many Section X Fel- vidingthelogistic,consumablestion was a partner of these events lows suffered. andmaterialsupport,keepinginand has contributed to the speak-mind that most of the university fac- ers and sessions chairmen.However, a beam of hope cameultiesareFellowsoftheCollege.The registration exceeded 14,000 with a new humanitarian project toPatients started to be scheduled onparticipants, and 3,400 participants helppeopleaffectedbytheblast.Nov. 16, 2020, and the flow of ser- joined live virtually throughout the ThankstotwoAustralian-bornvice has been advertised on a na- day. youngmenofLebaneseorigin.tional scale. Learn more about this JawadandRami Abuzeidare theproject or watch the video.owners of Teeth on Wheels, a pri- 2021 Officersmarycarecompany.TheSectionAcademic Events President: Nadim AbouJaoudeDistrictreceivedamobiledentalPresident Elect: Nassir AlHamlanclinic on loan for a few months fromTheSectionhasestablishedcon- Vice President: Philippe SouhaidTeeth on Wheels. The mobile unittacts with an educational companyImm. Past President: Youssef Talicarrived in Beirut in early Novemberin the UAE, CAPP MEA, which or- Treasurer: Fadl KhaledandwasparkedneartheJeitawiganizes meetings and scientific ac- Editor: Ramzi HaddadHospital that had been badly dam- tivities. In November 2020, due to aged by the explosion.COVID-19risks,themeetingwasContact InformationThe project got on the way withtransformed to a virtual event. TheICD Section X Middle EastthehelpofthePresidentoftheeventcoveredtwomainactivitiesAtt: Dr. Nadim AbouJaoudLebanese University as well as theamong others: a CAD CAM Meet- Oscar Center, 4th Fl, P.O. Box 179-60 Dean,thestaffandthegraduateingandaDento-FacialCosmeticJal-el-Deeb, Lebanonstudents of the dental school. BothInternational Conference. [email protected] Lebanese Army and the Leba- Both events were free and ADAwww.icdme.comneseRedCrossofferedessential(AmericanDental Association)ac- Section X FacebookTHE GLOBE2021No. 2 2 5'