b'SECTION REPORTSBEHIND THE SCENES at the first-ever virtual convocation ceremony for USA Fellows in December 2020.The world has changed over theration which supports USA Fellows past year as we respond and adaptlocal projects. 2021 Officersto the pandemic. Nonprofit organi- We rely on the generosity of ourPresident: Gerald R. KarrzationssuchasourFoundationFellowsfortheirsteadfastsup- President-Elect: Ris L. Martinhave not been immune to the im- port.HenryScheinscommitmentVice President: Daniel W. Fridhpacts of social and business activi- toreachunderservedcommunitiesPast President: James C. Setterbergties being curtailed. Our goal is tohas been an important example ofTreasurer: Ronald P. Lemmocontinue providing support to manycorporate leadership. Editor: Richard F. Roadcapworthy causes. Registrar: Elaine C. WagnerTheFoundationsupportsase- OurFoundationisblessedwithDeputy Registrar: Keith W. Suchy ries of ongoing programs including:a dedicated Board of Trustees who TheInternationalHumanitarianhave been unwavering in their sup-Volunteer Project, The Kikuyu Hos- port and guidance. I thank our Imme- Contact Informationpital Dental Clinic and the Chogo- diate Past Foundation President, Dr.International College of Dentistsria Hospital Dental Clinic in Kenya,MargotCulotta-Norton;FoundationUSA Sectionand the International Student Ex- staffKylieEvans,PaulaRinaudo,610 Professional Drive, Suite 201perienceProgram.TheFounda- Jennifer Greenville, Nicki Bayhurst;Gaithersburg, MD 20879USAtionalsosupportstwograntpro- and Registrar Dr. Elaine C. WagnerTel: +1 (301) 251-8861grams. AGeneralGrantProgramfor their knowledge and support. Fax: +1 (240) 224-7359 awardsgrantstodomesticandWith the support of our Fellows
[email protected] humanitarian projects, andour corporate sponsors we look for- www.usa-icd.orgwas awarded $108,900 in 2020 byward to emerging from these difficultUSA Section Facebook the Foundation. The second is thetimes with a renewed commitment toUSA Section Instagram Henry Schein Cares Humanitarianmake the world a healthier place andUSA Section TwitterStimulus Grant Program, a collabo- to make you ICD PROUD.THE GLOBE2021No. 2 7'