b'SECTION REPORTSinducted,includingHonoraryFel-low Mr. Joaqun Sanchez Reynoso, whohashelpedgreatlyMexican dentistrythrougheducationand humanitarian efforts. At the end of the ceremony, a toast was held and the event was adjourned to start a dinner and dance celebration.Northeast RegencyOn March 29, 2023, the Northeast RegentSocorroBecerrilandVice Regent Maria Luisa Camberos hadNORTHEAST REGENCY leaders and Fellows held an important meeting at an important meeting with the DeanUniversidad Autonoma de Baja California to plan future initiatives.ofUniversidad AutonomadeBaja California (UABC), Dr. Julio Cesarplanet.ICD-TVcontinueditsedu- 2023 OfficersGarca Briones, the Assistant Dean,cationalworkfocusingonallthe Dr. Betsab De la Cruz, and otheradvances and topical subjects fromPresident: Jos Martnez Martnezdirectives to reach agreements andour profession for the best patientVice President: Jorge Humberto arrange dates for lectures and hu- treatment. To date, we have had 49Villarreal Rodrguezmanitarian activities within the audi- high-level lectures from our teach- Past President: Roberto A. Wuotto torium and clinics of the school. ing Fellows. ICD-TV has an aver- Daz CeballosThey also had a business meetingageof450attendingcolleaguesRegistrar: Luz Mara Liliana Acua on June 7, 2023, with the directorandistransmittedthroughtheIn- CepedafromtheHospitalGeneralPediat- teligencia Dental platform.Treasurer: Miguel ngel Snchez ric Oncology Center and the UABCThank you to our Honorary FellowsAedo LieroSchool of Dentistry to establish ed- HectorFloresIiguezforhelpingEditor: Federico Prez Dezucationalexchangeprogramsandus start the program, and JoaqunExecutive Council: Carlos Quiroz future humanitarian activities. Sanchez Reynoso for helping us toGutirrezcontinue with this important educa- Speaker: Alfredo Sakar AllendeCentral Regency tional resource that reaches severalHumanitarian Services: Alfonso On May 12, 2023, Dr. Luis Parscountries in Latin America, EuropeGonzlez CampderFernndez led an educational eventand the USA. ICD-TV can also beScientific Events: Nestor Schejtman calledForodeOdontologa,Uni- seenthroughFacebook,YouTube versidadLatinadeMexico(ULM)and the GoToWebinar platform. Plotnik, Luis Pars FernndezandICD-M.TherewerelecturesA Key Annual Meetingorganized by Fellows Alfredo Pan- Contact Informationtoja, Dean ULM, and Dr. Jess Her- OurannualdentalmeetingwasDr. Federico Prez Dezrera R., Prosthodontics Teacher atheld Sept. 8-9, 2023, in Torreon Co- Francisco Sarabia 1282this dental school. Fellow Federicoahuila at the Congreso de Egresa- Col. Prolong. ModernaPrez Dez, teachers and studentsdosdelaUniversidadAutnomaIrapuato, Gto, Mexico 36690at this school presented to a full au- de Coahuila. The event consistendTel: 52462-6264365 ditorium of 280 guests. [email protected] Continues to Grow whereourFellowsandUniversitySection III websiteofCoahuilateacherssharedtheirSection III FacebookInJune2023,ICD-TVcelebratedknowledgeintheauditorium.Stu- ICD-TVfouryearsofstreamingeduca- dentsfromdentalschoolsacrossSection III Instagramtionalcontent. TheprojectstartedMexicopresentedresearchandSection III Twitterin 2019 just before the COVID-19clinical posters to their teachers and pandemic hit, paralyzing the wholeICD attending Fellows for judging.THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 9'