b'SECTION REPORTSURUGUAY DISTRICT ACTIVITIES: Section IV, Uruguay District financially supports charitable projects in Uruguay, including the Hogar Santa Maria, which houses adults looking for a way out of homelessness (top photo), and the school for children with disabilities in Salto, which prepares pupils for a responsible life in society (bottom left photo). (Bottom right photo) Uruguayan District Fellows gather for a business meeting in August.MaraInsNavarraforthebestto a project for the promotion and2023 Officersresearch paper, with an economiccare of oral health in a school forPresident: Elena Kavaliauskisprize of US $1,000.youngpeoplewithdisabilitiesin Salto, Uruguay. The function of thePast President: Ruben Di Tore In September 2022, at the Districtschool is to prepare children for aPast Vice President:Raul Vera Assembly,theyaskedFellowstoresponsiblelifeinsociety,withaLubary donate to the social institutions thatspirit of understanding, peace andRegistrar:Alicia Domecthe District has supported in recenttolerance. Treasurer: Richard Jaureguytimes.ThesecontributionshaveIntheUruguayanDistrict,theyEditor:Anny Bonillamanagedtocoverunmetbasichave a close relationship with their needs in these organizations. Onemembersandconnectwiththem of the allocations for the money do- through channels including Whats/nated was to the Padre Hurtado As- App, Zoom, the postal service andContact Informationsociation, in conjunction with Hogarface-to-face. We recommend tryingICD Section IVSantaMara.Theorganizationthis approach to other Districts andRegistrar Alicia Domec houses older adults who are look- Sections as it has been very suc- Uruguaying for a place to live and a perma- cessful for us, helping to keep ourPhone: 598(99)138725nent way out of homelessness.Fellows engaged and involved
[email protected] distribution of funds wentall our projects and activities. THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 11'