b'SECTION REPORTS8th ICD XV CONFERENCE The class of 2022 inductees join the leadership from Section XV in Cambodia last year. ments have been made with Dr. Kh- distinction and privileges accordedCommitteecontinuestomakea alisyah Che Hashim assuming theto our esteemed Fellows, empha- profoundimpact.Throughengag-role of the new Chairperson, whilesizingtheireminenceratherthaningwebinars,westrivetoprovide Dr.DavidTannowservesasthesolely relying on their qualifications.invaluable educational resources to Assistant Treasurer. Additionally,weDental Conference our members and beyond. have welcomed Dr. Dominic LeungHumanitarian and Educational Wing Hung as the new Treasurer.In the wake of our successful youthProjectsLastly, we express our gratitudeinduction, congress and conference toDr.NaumanKhan,theEditorheld in Cambodia, the 9th Interna- In addition, monitoring and evaluat-of Section XV and Deputy Regenttional Dental Conference took placeing each humanitarian project within from Pakistan, for his communica- in July 2023, in Jakarta, Indonesia,Section XV falls under the remit of tions work.at the splendid Merlynn Park Hotel.Dr.TammyDuangporn,ourdedi-This event marks our second physi- cated Humanitarian Project Coordi-calmeetingsincethepandemic.nator. Her astute oversight ensures Editors NoteNotably,thiscongresswitnessedtheeffectivenessandsuccessof Nauman Khan a momentous induction ceremony,every endeavor undertaken by our SectionXVismadeupofavastwherein116newFellowswereorganization.international community of nations,welcomed into our esteemed com-united in their collective efforts to- munity.Wewerehonoredbythe2023 Officerswards a brighter and grander futurepresenceofHEDr.H.SandiagaPresident: Dato Kim Chuan Howfor the generationsto come. Dur- Salahudin, the cabinet minister forVice President: Arshad Mahmood Maliking our 8th international Section XVTourismandCreativeEconomy,Registrar: John Yu Kong Linggathering in Cambodia, our councilwhogracedthegaladinner.TheTreasurer: Dominic Leung Wing Hungresolved to accelerate the aims ofevening was adorned with captivat- Editor: Nauman Khanour organization even further.ing dances, melodious songs andAssistant Treasurer: David Tan other cultural performances.Humanitarian Committee Chair: Looking to the Future New Academic Partnerships Tammy DuangpornWehaverestructuredtheobjec- Honorary Advisor: Gerhard Konrad tivesofourvariousdivisions,re- Furthermore,wecelebratednewSeebergeraffirmingtheprestigiousstatusofacademicpartnershipswiththeContact InformationICD as a time-honored internationalUniversityofIndonesia,theUni- ICD Section XV Office institution.Weareestablishingaversity of Prima, the University ofNo. 62&64, Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baruunique value proposition for aspir- Mahasaraswati, and the UniversityKuala Lumpur 59100, Malaysiaing Fellows and young individuals.of Hang Tuah. Additionally, we es- Tel: +603 9212 0605We are also exploring new
[email protected] collaboration with the Air Force,www.icdxv.comof revenue generation for our Sec- Navy and Armed Forces. Under theSection XV Facebook tion, while ensuring prudent spend- exceptionalleadershipofDr.Mo-ing. Lastly, we want to elevate thehammad Ibrahim, our Educational THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 3 1'