b',SECTION REPORTSSection VIINDIA, SRI LANKA, NEPAL a series of lectures where Fellows expressed their views on the ill ef-fects of tobacco. The Fellows also emphasized the various benefits of stopping tobacco use. It was a very enriching evening and well attended INTERNATIONAL YOGA MONTH is celebrated at Kothiwal Dental College andby many young dental professionals Research Center, Moradabad. from Patna.AnshuSahu.Theteamofvolun- No Tobacco Day International Yoga Monthteerdentistsincludedseniorden- ICD Section VI celebrated Interna-tistsDr.KritiPaul,Dr.ShahjahanICDSectionVI,IDAChandigarhtional Yoga month at Kothiwal Den-Ahmed,Dr.NokmeraMarak,Dr.StateBranchandtheResource Ivaniecheya, Dr. Kritika MazumderCentreforTobaccoControl,talCollegeandResearchCenter, and Dr. Shashwati, who is with thePGIMER,Chandigarh,alongwithMoradabad. An hour-long program regional dental college.theIndianMedicalAssociationwas run that included various types andmanyotherprominentorga- of yoga and meditation, which reju-The camp was held at Udayachalnizations, participated in efforts tovenated the bodies and minds of the HighSchoolinGuwahati,whereraiseawarenessabouttheharm- participants. 126 patients were screened and 30fuleffectsoftobacco.WorldNo patients were treated, all aged be- Tobacco Day 2023 was celebrated tween7 to 16 years. Of the chil- through the organization of a 6km dren screened, dental cavities wereCycleathon with 600 cyclists.2023 Officersfound in 63.7%, gingivitis in 83.3%,President: Rajeev Lallmalocclusion in 27%. An ideal oralPresident Elect: Meera VermaconditionwasfoundinlessthanPast President: Swatantra Agarwal0.6% of those examined. Vice President: V.S. KohliContinuing EducationRegistrar: Yogesh Kumar VirmaniSecretary General Emeritus: J. C. On Apr. 30, 2023, Section VI East- ChandnaernZoneFellowSauravPurbay,Treasurer: K. K. Chopraalong with the IDA Dhanbad Branch,Editor: S. M. Balajiorganized a continuing dental edu- Deputy Secretary: Rajesh Chandna cation (CDE) event focused on Be- NO TOBACCO DAY: Section VI EasternAssistant Secretary: Arpit Gupta havior management of pediatric pa- ZoneranlecturesontheeffectsofBusiness Manager: R. K. Balitients, led by Dr. Anshuman Jha intobacco. Scientific Editor: Vijay P. MathurDhanbad. On May 28, 2023, the group cy-The next CDE event was held oncled from PGI to Sukhna Lake via May 19, 2023, at the Hotel Mauryathe Vigyan Path. Sh Yashpal Garg,Contact InformationPatna.EminentorthodontistandSecretaryofHealth,UTChan- ICD Section VI Fellow Anurag Rai delivered a lec- digarh,wasthechiefguest.TheRegistrar Dr. Yogesh Virmaniture on oral infection.theme of the event was We need260 / C8 / Sector 8, Rohini food,nottobacco.Participants Another CDE event was held onweregivenshirts,caps,refresh- Delhi, India 110085July 24, 2023, in Moradabad. Guestments and appreciation certificates.Tel: 9810019636faculty member Dr. H. S. Grover deliv-
[email protected] ered a lecture on Periodontal health:On the eve of No Tobacco Day,www.icdsection6.commaster key to full body health.Section VI Eastern Zone organized THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 15'