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b'SECTION REPORTSSection IXPHILIPPINE ISLANDSThechildren,youthandthe young at heart of the village were all in high spirits as they received do-nationsofbasketballs,volleyballs and badminton sets. Gift packs con-taining rice, canned goods, snacks and hygiene kits were also given to each of the families. In preparation for the coming school year, school bags and school supplies were dis-THREE NEW HOUSES BUILT FOR FAMILIES IN NEED in the Gawad Kalingatributed to over 50 school-age chil-village with the support of Section IX, and cashew tree seedlings were planted. dren. Afeedingprogramfor100chil-Supporting a School Mangrove planting took place indren from the area gave out nutri-We provided Sta. Barbara Elemen- PurokBatad,BarangaySanpinit,tious meals based on recipes from tarySchool,SanAntonio,NuevaBagoCity.TheactivitieswereintheNationalNutritionCouncil.At collaborationwiththePCOMSChristmas, gift packs filled with gro-Ecijawithoralhealtheducation,throughitsPresident,Dr.Angeloceryitems,includingriceandap-gifts, and help with renovating theMilitante,andtheBacolodDentalples, were donated by Fellows and schoolgymnasium. Atotalof180Chapter, through its President, Dr.given to the 25 families that live in school bags were distributed to stu- Elton Fritz Lim. the village.dentsandteachers.HygieneandICD Gawad Kalinga sanitationgiftpacksfromColgate2023 Officersand PhilUSA Corp were also distrib- AgroundbreakingceremonywasPresident: Maria Sheryl Villareal-Borjauted to 240 students.heldfortheconstructionofthreePresident Elect: Iluminada L. ViloriaWe have also donated 100 solarhouses that will benefit three newVice President: Olegario G. Clemente Jr.lamps to studentsand farmers thatunfortunate and deserving familiesSecretary: have experienced loss of electricityin the area. One hundred cashewTreasurer: Gladys Tong-Sodue to the super-typhoon Karding. tree seedlings, in coordination withAuditor: Ma. Carmen Aurea S. ElepaoCleft Lip Operations and Coast- thelocalagencies,wereplantedPRO: Apolonia S. Tanbonliongal Care around the ICD village. ConsideredEditor: Vivian Gabaldona high value crop, cashew nuts areDirector: Evelyn Uy CoIn November 2022, two worthwhilea source of income and one of theDirector: Aimee Yang Coactivities took place in Bacolod: thetop products in the region. Past President: Fidel S. Bondoccleftlipoperations,andtheman- ICD Section IX coordinated with groveplantingandcoastalcleanlocal government entities and NGOs up.Fourpatientswithacleftlipto teach women technical skills thatContact Informationwere operated on by ICD Fellowscan help augment their families in- ICD Section IX PhilippinesMarioEsquillo,RobertoTajonera,comes. To date, hands-on trainingAtt: Dr. Fidel BondocFernandoFernandez,GaryBrillo,on basket weaving and cashew nut110-C Young Trade Bldg., Gen.AngeloMilitante,JayTabije,Joyprocessingwereconducted.Also,Malvar St., Araneta CenterBautistaandRyanTiongco,whothere will be continuous monitoringQuezon City, PhilippinesarealsoFellowsofthePhilippineSection IX websiteCollegeofOralandMaxillofacialand assessment of the learnings ofSection IX FacebookSurgeons (PCOMS). the participants.THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 2 1'