b',SECTION REPORTSTHE 2024 NEWLY INSTALLED Board of Regents and officers of the Section gathered along with Interna-tional President Ho-Youl Chang at the conclusion of the 2023 induction ceremony in Amsterdam.Following the financial and physicalFellow Frans Kroon and led by Dr.Thegaladinnerwithentertain-commitments received by the PhilipJan de Lange, of the University ofmentatthehotelwasaworthy Dear Foundation, the major innova- Amsterdam,wasmetwithgreatconclusiontoawell-organized tion agreed upon by the board of re- interest from the Fellows present.meetingbytheCongressCom-gents in Dec. 2022 in London, Eng- The multidisciplinary nature of ad- mittee. After evaluation, the event land,wastoorganizetheannualdressing the global problem of den- provedverysuccessfulinterms meeting. The eventwill incorporatetalandfacialinjurieswithcurrentof Fellowship satisfaction, content an Executive Board meeting, Boardinsightsandhigh-leveltreatmentand staying within budget.of Regents meeting and an induc- options was fascinatingly highlight-tion ceremony, followed by the galaed. Theopenhumanitarianforum2023 Officersdinner. During this two-day gather- alsofocusedonphysicalinjuriesPresident: S. Dov Sydneying,science,reportingofhumani- due to diseases. This segment wasPresident Elect: Werner Lilltarian projects and social activitiesequally well attended and enjoyedVice President: Mauro Labancawill be organized at the discretion ofgreat interest.Past President: Walter J. van Drielthe hosting Section President. The fantastic summer weather inRegistrar: Mauro Labanca2023 Annual Meeting AmsterdamhelpedtoensurethatTreasurer: Maren De WitTheannualmeetingin2023wasthe social outings by foot, bike andEditor: Michael Thomasheld in Amsterdam, in the Nether- boat could be experienced in a con- Contact Informationlands. Attendance was remarkablyvivial atmosphere ending in a fes- ICD Section V Europehigh, culminating in over 300 partic- tive barbecue.Dr. Mauro Labancaipants at the gala dinner. About 175Forty-three new Fellows were initi- Corso Magenta, 32Fellowstookpartinthescientificated during the induction ceremony20123 Milano, ItalyprogramonFriday,whosethemein the presence of ICD Internation- Tel: +39 335 5207 242was Dental and facial
[email protected] internationally renowned teamaudiencehighlyappreciatedthewww.icd-europe.comofspecialistschairedbyMasterunique and efficient ceremony. THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 13'