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b'SECTION REPORTSSection XVSection XV continues to attract and involve the next generation of dentists through its innovative Youth Membership initiatives.Presidents Greetingthisconferencewitnessedthein- HelalUddin,amemberofParlia-Kim Chuan How troduction of the pioneering dentalment,andextendedinvaluable studentmembershipcategory,inmedical and dental services.collaborationwiththeprestigious UniversityofPuthisastra.Es- Vice Presidents Note teemedcolleaguesandFellowsArshad Malikfrom across the Section witnessed this momentous launch. The YouthICDSectionXVhasrestartedits DivisionofICDSectionXVhaseffortstoservethecommunity activelyforgedconnectionsglob- throughsharedlearningsuchas ally, attracting over 3,600 followersconferences,seminars,webinars through Facebook and Instagram. andthroughhumanitarianwork. G reetingstoalltheIn 2022, the Education Commit- We continue to welcome new Fel-InternationalCollegeofteeorchestratedaseriesoffort- lows through induction ceremonies, Dentists(ICD)Fellowswhich were previously halted due to who carry the flag for ICD in theirthe COVID-19 pandemic. These ac-differentcountries.Thisyearhascomplishments belong to our Presi-beenveryactivewithnumerousdent How Kim Chaun and his team ofExecutiveCommitteemembers meetings,dentalcampsandand council members, consisting of webinars.Wehaveexperienceddistinguished professors, skilled cli-significant growth in new membersnicians, as well as experienced and in recent years. As of 2022-2023,promisingdentistshailingfrom14 Section XV has over 1,000 Fellowsdifferent countries. and 30 youth members.SECTION XV YOUTH DIVISION mem-bers and President How at the 2022Induction and ConvocationNew Dental Student Members convocation in Cambodia. Recently,atriumphantinaugural Last December marked a momen- nightlyseminars.Thesesessionsphysicalgatheringtookplacein tous occasion for ICD Section XV,notonlyfosteredtheacademicCambodia from Dec. 10-12, 2022, as we held our first physical meetingadvancementofouresteemedmarking the end of a two-year hia-in two years. This landmark event,Fellows,butalsoenrichedthetus caused by the pandemic. The known as the 8th ICV XV Confer- knowledge and expertise of dentalachievementsduringthisperiod ence and Induction Ceremony, wasprofessionalsworldwide.Adentalweremonumental,includingthe conducted under the theme Build- revitalizationofacademicactivi-ingleadershipqualitywithclinicalcamp was organized by our Ban- ties, the reunification of the entire confidence. In addition to the cus- gladesh members in March 2023,Section,andtherunningoffresh tomaryscientificsessions,councilin Raninagar Naogaon. The campelections for all positions within the meetings, and induction ceremony,was opened by the Honorable Mr.organization.Noteworthyadjust-3 0 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'