b'SECTION REPORTSSECTION I FOUNDATION PROJECTS (Photos L/R): Mission of Mercy, Kerriville, Texas; Hawaii Seafarers Ministry; Chogoria Hospital Dental Clinic, Kenya; Haiti Outreach Pwoje Espwa.Global Funding Support possible for individual students andlightoutstandingUSASection Justpriortoourspringmeeting,raising awareness of the serious is- Fellowsandtheirprojectsand Section I was informed of approvalsue of dental school student debt. accomplishments. for both cash and product supportCommunication Is Key Andfinally,theFoundationis by the joint grant program with theA major effort to reach out and com- gratefulfortheSectionIoffice, ICDGlobalVisionaryFundandmunicate with our Fellows has beenunder the leadership of our Ex-HenryScheinCaresFoundation,a focus point of 2023. Besides theecutive Director Wagner, for their and our own ICD USA Foundation.mainstayprintedmaterials(KEYwork on behalf of the trustees.Theabilitytocollaboratewiththejournal) and social media avenues Global Headquarters has turned a(Facebook), we saw our first Vlog2023 Officersrestructured grant format programseriesonourFoundationsYou- President: Daniel W. Fridhinto a reality.Tube channel. Vlog 23.2 addressedPresident-Elect: Ira R. TitunikThe Grant Committee has seen athe grant activities of 2022.Vice President: Eliot L. PaisnersignificantincreaseinapplicationsThe many activities of the Foun- Past President: Ris L. MartinforbothourFellowsHumanitar- dationareallpossibleduetotheTreasurer: Ronald P. Lemmoian Stimulus Grant and the Generalgenerouscontributionsanddona- Editor: Richard F. RoadcapGrant. Like other Sections, Section Itions by Fellows and sponsors to theExec. Director: Elaine C. Wagnerhas seen a reemergence of the Fel- Foundation. Financial support is oneRegistrar: Keith Suchylows activities to put the grant ap- part which drives our goings-on. TheContact Informationplications to work.other part is the endless energy ofUSA Sectionour Fellows and giving of their per- International College of DentistsStudent Scholarships sonal time that makes a difference.610 Professional Drive, Suite 201The WUDAA Scholarship Program,We invite you to visit our Section IGaithersburg, MD, 20879USAwhich offers annual scholarships toUSA website to find out how some ofTel: +1 (301) 251-8861dental students, saw over 40 appli- our Fellows are serving others. TakeFax: +1 (240) 224-7359 cationsforsixscholarshipgrants.a look at past issues of our [email protected] Section I journal, KEY, to read aboutwww.usa-icd.orgcern about the high cost of dentalour activities and the humanitarianUSA Section Facebook education and its negative impactprojects.TheICDTAKETWENTYUSA Section Instagram on the career choices of graduat- interviews and the ICD LIVE 45 in- USA Section Twittering dentists by doing as much asterview series were created to high-THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 5'