b'SECTION REPORTSTHE 2022 INDUCTION CEREMONY welcomed five new Fellows (standing), pictured here with ICD Section VII OfficersTsunomachi, took the oath. In the secondpart,aftertheintroduc-tionofthenewFellows,Gagaku player Yuji Nishihara gave a lecture entitled,WhatisGagaku? Ahis-toryandintroductiontothethree windinstruments. Afterwards,we movedontoasocialgathering,WHAT IS GAGAKU? Gagaku players demonstrate their instruments at the which was opened with a greeting2022 annual meeting.from Dr. Suda. The first lecture by Fellow Taka-Videomessageswereshownnori Suzuki was entitled Changing2023 Officersfrom 2022-2023 International Presi- dental care and what is not. Lec- President: Noriaki Kagamident Richard Smith, the late Sectionture two, led by Fellow Hiroki Mori- President Elect: Morioki FujitaniXI President Byung-Kee Choi, andnaga, was a very meaningfullec- Vice Presidents: Yuji Horiguchi, SectionXIIPresidentJames Yingture entitled All diseases start fromMakoto KoitabashiTseng. Afterwards, the social gath- inside the mouth! Rejuvenate fromPast President: Motoko Sudaeringproceededpeacefully,andinside the mouth! Treasurer: Katsufumi Nakamuratowards the end Dr. Suda handedYear-End Meeting 2022 Editor: Yoshinobu Imamuraover the presidential badge to theRegistrar: Kengo Maejima incoming Section VII President Ka- The Year-End Meeting was held atDeputy Registrar: Koichi Kitamura gami. the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo on Dec.Contact InformationWinter Scientific Meeting 17,2022,withsufficientinfectionICD Section VII Japanprevention measures in place. The2-6-22 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku-ku The 52nd Winter Scientific Meetingspecial lecture was given by GrantTokyo, 161-8558, JapanwasheldonMar.13,2022,un- Pogosyan,formerAmbassadorofTel: +81 3-3952-5155der the theme Responding to theArmenia for Japan. The lecture ti- Fax: +81 3-5982-7751clinicalquestionsthatarenowtle was Introducing countries
[email protected] far and near, old and new. Thewww.icd-japan.gr.jplive-streamed online as a preven- gathering then moved on to a socialSection VII Facebooktive measure.element that was enjoyed by all.THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 17'