b'SECTION REPORTSTHE 2023 INDUCTION CEREMONY welcomed 20 new FellowsRegistrars Reportmeetings and electronic voting hadClinic (Ottawa, Dr. T. Harle). Read tobechangedtofacilitateappli- more about 2022 funding support.Gordon Thompson cablemeetingandvotingmecha-ICD Canada proposed Dr. Ian Doylenisms and formats. In conjunctionArtificial Intelligencefor International Vice President. Wewith this, we changed the nomina- We continue to examine all aspects arepleasedthathewaselectedtion process and the website nomi- of obtaining new members as well and will be International Presidentnation form.as membership retention. As a re-in two years. Ian has extensive ex- New-Look Newsletter sultofourcursoryartificialintelli-perience in dental politics and Ro- gence review, it was noted that to tary International. Over the years, we have publishedensure long-term success we need the annual ICD Canada newsletter.to make sure that we foster a sense Constitution and Bylaws This year, Editor Smith changed theofcommunity,loyaltyandprofes-formattoabulletin,whichwillbesional growth. The information was Amajorprojectthisyearwasapublished more frequently. The firstshared with ICD Sections through comprehensive review and updatetwoissuesutilizedmanypicturestheICDMembershipCommittee. ofourconstitutionandbylawsaf- and were well received. The material was well received, and ter consulting with Dr. Peter Korch,some Sections are going to use it, who looks after ICD USA and ICDProgram Funding as we are, as a resource to expand Globalbylaws.ThereviewwasWe received support from Dr. Lylethe ICD narrative.initialized by our desire to changeBest and Quikcard for the Dentistry2023 Officersthe confidentiality of the nominationStudent Scholarship Program. ThePresident: Ed OBrienprocess.programprovidesfundingforaPresident Elect: Maureen Lefebvrethird-yearstudentscholarshipat The Sections Constitution and By- eachofthe10CanadiandentalVice President: Lisa Bentleylaws Committee Chair Cliff Swan- schools.TheSpenceFoundationPast President: Heinz ScherlelundandIworkedmethodically,funded projects in Ethiopia, throughRegistrar: Gordon Thompsonmaking changes for meetings andHopethiopiawithDr.R.Pisko- Editor: Drew Smithreducing analog-era timelines. TheDubienski, and in Tanzania, throughContact Informationdocument was based on the annualSemiamhooIfakarawithDr.L. Section meeting and how businessEnnis. Their support included fundingDr. Gordon Thompsonwas conducted at that one time offorinstrumentsthroughtheGlobal2318 Rutherford Way SWyear. That was not feasible duringVisionary Fund and Henry ScheinEdmonton, Alberta, T6W 1P4 Canadaandafterthepandemic.Inaddi- CaresFoundation.TwoCanadianTel: +1 (780) 993-0615not-for-profit clinics were funded: [email protected], those areas of communicationthe Company of Friends (Winnipeg,www.icd-canada.orgthat were not consistent with virtualDr. A.Kim)andSt.MarysHome THE GLOBE2023No. 2SECTION REPORTS 7'