b'THE COUNCILCollege. For this reason, the College Office administrativeworldwide. Outside of the meetings, Council members and systemshavebeendevelopedtoallowforthefutureguests engaged with Fellows of Section V Europe, as SecretaryGeneralandofficestafftoworkremotely,ifwell as dental industry partners, while enjoying Milanese needed, using modern communication technologies. Imcuisine, architecture and culture. confident the office plan we have in place will ensure theTheoutcomesfromthe2019Councilmeetingwill successful transition of College management that will leadhave lasting impacts on the future of the College. The the way into ICDs next century.multi-year project of modernizing and simplifying the Col-lege Bylaws language in a way that will better address ICD law and policy was finalized during the meeting and has 2019 Milan Meeting been updated across ICD platforms. Additionally, several changes were approved to create a more consistent cul-Following the official global launch of the ICD Centennialture around all aspects of membership, including a review inSeptember,theInternationalCouncilmetinMilan,of best practices, changes to application of membership Italy,fromOct.27-29,2019fortheirannualmeeting.fees and more efficient data collection processes that pro-ThehighestgoverningbodyoftheCollegeconvenesvide valuable member information. eachyearforimportantbusinessdiscussions,tacticalOther accepted motions included revised language to thinking, committee sessions and reporting. One of themore accurately describe the Ottofy Okumura Award,the most productive meetings to date, this years gatheringColleges highest possible honor, as well as updated Mas-resultedinCouncilorsfinalizingnewguidelinesandter Fellowship criteria to better clarify the guidelines for a solutions to more effectively govern the College and itsMaster candidate, more defined standards for Life Fellow-programs,includingamodernizedversionofBylawsship, and other constructive motions that will improve Col-andanupdatedStrategicPlan.Additionally,robustlege governance and administration. Finally, further delib-conversationsfueledideaexchangesandsuggestionserations introduced new suggestions by Councilors about for improved collaboration between Sections and Fellowsalternativerevenueoptions,non-traditionalmembership THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL accomplished important initiatives during their 2019 meeting in Milan, Italy.J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 9'