b'CONTENTS9 2012 14 25THE COUNCIL IMPACT! POST PUBLICATION NOTICE: 6International Council 2020 16Photojournalism ofIt was with shock and sadness that the College 7Council Activities & Initiatives College projects worldwide,learnedofthepassingofImmediatePast 11College Development demonstrating ICDsPresident Bettie McKaig.12Presidents Interview commitmentto humanitarianWeextendtoherhusbandDr.RossVaughn 14College Centennialand educational programs. and their family the profound condolences of the entire ICD community. This issue of The Globe containsmanyreferencestoBettie,including hersignificantachievementsaslastyears Collegepresident.Thoughpennedwiththe anticipation that Bettie would continue her active JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL COLEGE OF D No.1 ON THE COVER serviceformanyyears,heruntimelypassing ENTISTSICD TURNS The Centennial celebrations have officially begun,hastransformedthosewordsandimagesinto 100 marking the Colleges 100 years of growth and impactan enduring memorial and permanent tribute to CELEBRATING A CHUMANITENTURY OF LARIANISM AND FELLEADERSHIPO, REWSHIPCOGNITION,Betties College contributions. 1920-2020 throughout the world (see page 14-15).GLOBE 2020 ISSN 163-2226X VOLUME 80. No.1THE GLOBE is published annually by the International College of Dentists, Inc. forthe writer under whose name they appear and are not necessarily to be regarded as the views members only. Originally began publishing in 1959 under the title ICD Newsletter; changedof the International College of Dentists. Therefore, the College, its officers, employees, and to THE GLOBE in 1984. Correspondence relating to THE GLOBE should be addressed toeditors accept no liability or responsibility whatsoever for the consequences of any inaccurate or The Editor at the College Office (See masthead). POSTMASTER AND MEMBERS SEND ALLmisleading statements made by the contributors to the publication.EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGES to: Chelsea Segren, Operations Manager at the College OfficeAll rights are reserved. No part of THE GLOBE may be reproduced or transmitted in any or via e-mail to [email protected]. form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or any information All statements of opinion and supposed facts are published with the authority of storage and retrieval system, without the written permission from the publisher.J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 5'