b'IMPACT!2,000 TREATED IN ONE YEAR ON A MISSION Section XIV Fellows provided education and humanitarianism in the Kotak and Yandabo villages of rural Myanmar. Their two outreach efforts successfully treated and educated more than 2,000 patients last year, of which more than half were children.Another collaborative mission completed in early 2019 impacted a total of 1,308 patients in need. ICD Fellows provided a wide range of much-needed dental services to residents of the Myingyan Districts Yandabo Village. Of the 1,308 that were provided care, 799 were students. These mis-sions and the services provided are a true testament to the humanitarianism of our Fellows and the community-serving projects across the globe.J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 2 3'