b'IMPACT!TWO WEEKS IN TANZANIA IFAKARA, TANZANIA Nearly 800 residents regained their smiles during the Semiahmoo Dental Outreach mission in September 2019.During the two weeks the Semiahmoo Dental Outreach team spent in Ifakara, the equivalent of US $217,000 worth in dental services were provided to an astounding 765 patients. The supplies and equipment were funded in part by donations from Canadian Fellows, as well as the ICD Canada William J. Spence Memorial Foundation Humanitarian Fund. These contributions directly supported 1,735 dental services: 541 extractions (most of which were surgical), 356 amalgam restorations, 43 composite restorations and fluoride treatments for children. The team also concentrated heavily on educational outreach. All patients, including young children, were instructed on how to properly care for their oral hygiene in an effort to provide them with the knowledge needed to instill positive habits while also preventing future issues. Overall, this was an amazing and highly successful mission that engaged local community health workers, dentists and doctors.READ MOREJ OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS Honoring the Worlds Leading Dentists Since 1920tm 21'