b'THE COUNCILCHELSEA Disasters Provide OpportunitiesJoe Kenneally Secretary GeneralB y most measures, the year 2020 was a disastrousto the safe practice of dentistry, and the ICD, as a pre-one for many parts of the world. Natural disastersmier global dental organization with many outstanding such as fires, hurricanes and typhoons, volcanoes,scientists, was in a great position to help fill that need. earthquakes, and the famine induced by plagues of lo- This was the genesis of ICD Online. custs took record tolls around the world. Human-made di-sasters such as war, explosions, civil unrest and political strife affected countless lives. But clearly, it was the global COVID-19 pandemic that killed millions of people and se-verely impacted the health of many more that was 2020s greatest disaster. For the International College of Dentists (ICD), COV-ID-19 had a severe effect upon many of its Fellows. Dental offices were forced to shut down for extended periods all over the world. Personal protective equipment (PPE) be-came scarce and difficult to obtain. Many selfless dentists donated their supplies of PPE to front-line healthcare pro- RENOWNED EPIDEMIOLOGIST Mike Osterholm fessionals treating victims of this difficult and dangerousspeaks about COVID-19 in the December webinar.disease. There was controversy regarding whether den- ICD Online, the Colleges new digital platform produc-tistry could be safely practiced in the era of this deadly newing webinars, videos and online content, began as a virus. People react to disasters in different ways; emotionsway to connect with ICD Fellows and supporters virtu-and human reactions ranged from fear and depression toally during the pandemic. It launched in April 2020 with courage and heroism. One thing that I have noticed in mya webinar featuring international Fellow experts in epi-years on this planet is that if one looks closely enough atdemiology and dental safety, regarding COVID-19 and the aftermath of a disaster, an opportunity is often pre- its impact on dentistry, and presentations on safe prac-sented to create something better. tices for dentists in the pandemic. Other ICD Online programs have featured topics such as antimicrobial ICD Online is born resistance and awareness. A new ICD Online Content Committee was appointed The ICD was founded by Drs. Ottofy and Okumura withto oversee and plan future presentations. The commit-theintentionofcreatinganorganizationoftheworldstee has a plan to present a wider variety of topics in most eminent dentists who would promote the sharing of2021 and beyond, such as an international womens dental information among the countries of the world. Overdental leadership series, regional programs in local lan-time, as technology made information more accessible,guages, topical case reports of interest to dentists pre-the College became more of an organization that honoredsented by Fellows, current ICD professional initiatives dentists for their efforts in leadership, education, research,andhumanitarianandvolunteerprograms.TheICD community and charitable service, and one that promotedWorld Headquarters office has also submitted an appli-and provided educational and humanitarian missions.cation to the Academy of General Dentistry to become an accredited provider of continuing education through As the pandemic shut the worlds doors, most Fellowsits PACE program. If the application is successful, the found themselves unable to provide dental care to theirCollege plans to provide continuing education credit for patients, and most of the ICD-supported humanitarian ser- Fellows who participate in ICD Online events. All ICD vice projects suspended operations. There was an enor- productions can be found on the website Media Center mous need for information and advice about how to returnor on the ICD YouTube channel.THE GLOBE2021 7'