b'COUNCIL NEWSaninternalsurveyaskingSectionstoanswervarying questions about their Fellowship requirements. The sur-vey focused primarily on four areas: nomination criteria andprocesses,financialrequirements,inductionsand other requirements for maintaining Fellowship. The results haveprovidedvaluableinsightintothedifferencesbe-tween Sections Fellowship criteria, processes, fees and(L/R) Section XI President Jae Cheon Lee, International engagement practices. The committee will continue to usePresident Ho Chang, Section XII President Ying-Kwei the survey results to identify membership solutions andTseng and Section VII President Noriaki Kagami.opportunities, with the ultimate goal of improved growth, engagement and retention. College Awardees and Officer Induction Sections Collaborate for Joint Ceremony The Officer Installation and Awards Luncheon concluded A major highlight of the 2023 Council meeting was thethe Seoul Council meeting. The first-ever Bettie McKaig Joint Induction Ceremony, which was successful thanksbags were awarded to three present and former Coun-to the collaborative efforts of Sections VII, XI and XII. Thiscil members for their dedicated volunteer services to ICD convocationwasthefirstofitskind,inductingFellowsGlobal programs, committees and initiatives: Peter Korch, across three Sections with the International Council in at- of USA, for his work with Bylaws, Standing Rules and gov-tendance. Not only did this provide a unique opportunityernance; Christine Benoit, of USA, for her work with ICD for new Fellows to engage with the international leaders,projects and the antimicrobial resistance and dental safety but it also provided an opportunity for collegiality amongstprograms; and Jackie Robinson, of Australia, for her work existing Fellows from around the world. Additionally, thewith ICD membership recruitment, retention and engage-presidents of the participating Sections each addressedment. Finally, Dr. Chang exchanged the presidential gavel the inductees, as well as Past International President Ho- and chain with incoming International President Argirios Youl Chang. The evening culminated in a charismatic re- Pissiotis, and the new officers were installed. Read moreception where guests enjoyed a multi-course dinner andThe next International Council meeting will be held in live performances. New York City, New York, USA, on Nov. 30Dec. 1, 2024.Stay connected with ICD Global+1 (810) [email protected]@InternationalCollegeofDentists@InternationalCollegeofDentists@InternationalCollegeofDentistsGlobal Operations Center: 615 S. Saginaw Street, JOINT CONVOCATION Inductees take the official FellowshipSuite 3008, Flint, Michigan, 48502 USA Pledge during the Seoul Joint Convocation Ceremony.8 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'