b'COUNCIL NEWSPlanning for a sustainable and charitable futureJoe Kenneally Secretary GeneralO verthepastyear,theInternationalCollegeofand gifts of donated supplies, nearly $150,000 of support Dentists (ICD) has changed its tax status underhas been provided to support at-risk communities around U.S. tax code, a significant development for thethe globe. The ICDs motto Recognizing Service and the organization.TheICDwasincorporatedin1928asaOpportunity to Serve perfectly aligns with Henry Scheins 501c6 nonprofit, which is the tax category of a professionalmission to Help Health Happen.membershiporganization.Donationsmadetoa501c6Because of the decades-long collaboration between the nonprofit are not tax-deductible to the donor, and suchCollege and Henry Schein, the ICD is in the process of nonprofitsareoftenineligibleforcharitablefoundationtaking over as the host organization for the former Global grants. Child Dental Funds (GCDF) Senior Dental Leaders Pro-Although the College was formerly a 501c6 professionalgramme (SDL). This was the GCDFs flagship leadership membership organization, it has always acted more like aprogram, which operated to develop the strategic leader-charity. The ICD honors dentists for their contributions toship skills of the worlds senior dental professionals and society and to the profession, mainly in the categories ofaspiring dental leaders. In 14 years, over 200 leader dele-leadership, humanitarian and community service, dentalgates from 47 countries have participated in this program, education,anddentalresearch. TheICDcreates,sup- many of whom are Fellows. ports and helps facilitate hundreds of humanitarian andAs a group, the global dental community already has educational projects on every continent on the planet. Inthe clinical knowledge and skills to prevent dental disease. summary, the ICD functions as a charitable and educa- Unfortunately, it often lacks leaders who can implement tional nonprofit, which prompted the tax status change.thestrategiesthatwillputtheseresources,knowledge As of August 2023, the ICD has been reclassified as aand skills to work. The SDL was designed to identify and 501c3 public charity, allowing for tax-deductible donationsenhance these leaders. During an intensive five-day lead-in North America and eligibility for foundation grants. Thisershipcourse,delegatesdeveloptheirleadershipskills change, achieved through the efforts of ICD Global staff,and learn to use them effectively and collectively to ad-the legal team and a donation from Section XII Interna- vance oral health agendas locally and globally.tional Councilor H.C. Liu, will help the College tap into new revenue streams, explore grant possibilities and reduceTheGlobalChildDentalFundceaseditsUK-based the financial burden on Fellows. operations in 2023, and the Senior Dental Leaders Pro-The ICD is an honor society at its heart, but for manygrammesprimarybenefactor,HenrySchein,andpart-of our members, honor is meaningless unless it leads toneruniversities,HarvardUniversityandKingsCollege action. The Colleges many projects and operations costLondon, sought an appropriate host organization for the more each year. The ICDs new status will support its first- program. With its broad global reach and its many dental ever Capital Campaign, funding initiatives to enhance itsleaders, the International College of Dentists was identified capacityforhumanitarianprojectsandtoimproveoralas an appropriate home and will now host the re-branded health care worldwide. program as the ICD Global Oral Health Leadership Insti-tute. Under the ICD, the GOHL Institute will continue to operate its intensive week-long training events, its numer-Enhanced Strategic Partnership Programs ous virtual meetings, and hold conferences in cooperation with Harvard University and Kings College London. Under Since the beginning of 2023, the ICD has supported overthe continued funding of Henry Schein and strategic man-30worldwideinitiativesthroughitspartnershipwithitsagement of Dr. Sara Hurley, the GOHL Institute has the longtime benefactor, the Henry Schein Corporation andpotential to become a signature project for the ICD and its its Henry Schein Cares Foundation. Between cash grantsFellows, ultimately benefitting the global oral health sector.6 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'