b'COUNCIL NEWSICD Global PromotionsAs part of a shift toward professional management of ICD operations, Chelsea Segren has been promoted to Execu-tive Director. Chelsea has served the ICD since 2012 af-ter being initially hired as the Administrative Assistant to then Secretary General Jack Hinterman. She most recent-ly served as the Director of Global Operations and was made an Honorary Fellow of Section XX in October 2020. Chelsea has participated in the creation of many ICD ini-tiatives, including the worldwide membership and projectsCOUNCIL IN ASIA The 2023 International Council meeting database, the ICD Global Visionary Fund and grant pro- took place in Seoul, South Korea, last November.grams, the Dental Safety and Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance programs, ICD Online and strategic planning.discussed future meetings, and adopted a 2024 bud-She has also helped develop volunteer management andget. Membership recruitment and retainment, financial financial systems, as well as facilitated multiple hiring pro- development and organizational structure were the pri-cesses and office transitions. Chelsea holds a Bachelorority discussion topics. In addition to the meeting, Fel-ofSciencedegreeandbecameaCertified Associationlows and guests enjoyed local cuisine and live music Executive (CAE) in 2020. She has knowledge and experi- during a river boat excursion, celebrated ICD Fellow-ence in a wide range of areas within nonprofit manage- ship during a joint induction ceremony, and concluded ment, communications, strategic development and eventthe weekend with fine dining and entertainment at the planning. brand new Neobiotech facility. Seoul Photo GalleryExecutive Assistant Crystal Demps has been promoted toGlobalOfficeManager,inanticipationoffuturestaff additions at the Global Operations Center. Crystal joinedOrganizational Structure and Operationsthe ICD team in May of 2022 and integrated swiftly and seamlessly into College operations. She holds a BachelorIn April 2023, the ICD Global staff held a brief retreat at of Arts degree in Communications from the University ofthe operations center in Flint, Michigan, USA, to discuss Michigan at Flint, and she has a diverse skill set includingthe future administration and operations of the College. proficiency in business computer software, social mediaStaffreviewedcurrentoperationalsystemsandper-management, fundraising, event planning and communitysonnel structures, as well as organizational strengths, service. weaknesses and opportunities. After the Seoul Council meeting, an ad hoc committee was appointed to de-2023 International Council Meeting velopandprioritizeICDpersonnelneeds,determine and prioritize needs for workplace systems, determine The International Council, the governing body of the ICD,budgetary needs for expansion and growth, re-define was graciously hosted by Section XI in Seoul, South Ko- the volunteer structure, positions and terms, and deter-rea, on Nov. 35, 2023, for their annual meeting. Twen- mine any unnecessary existing systems, practices, or ty-four Council members participated in person, and fourprograms that could be cut, decreased or eliminated.joined virtually through Zoom. Many ICD guests visitedMembership Survey Provides Insightthe meeting to observe, contribute or present information. During the meeting, Councilors shared reports of the hu- TheglobalMembershipCommitteewasproductive manitarian and educational activities, successes and chal- again last year under the leadership of Chair Jackie lenges of their Sections, discussed membership practicesRobinson, discussing various aspects of membership and engagement strategies, tackled organizational issues,recruitment, engagement and retention. They launched THE GLOBE 2024No. 1 7'