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We encourage Fellows to share their photos with the International College of Dentists gallery by uploading them to our secure Dropbox Folder. Please include a brief description of your photos, including the location, date, event/activity, purpose and Fellows involved, and your photos will be shared with the ICD Global Headquarters.

International Council


ICD Sections

Section I: United States of America

Section II: Canada

Section III: Mexico

Section IV: South America

Section V: Europe

Section VI: India, Sri Lanka, Nepal

Section VII: Japan

Section VIII: Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific

Section IX: Philippines

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Gawad Kalinga 2020

In September 2020, ICD Section IX Philippines supported the Groundbreaking Ceremony for 5 more homes to be built in the ICD Gawad Kalinga Village. The fifth home will be called the “Centennial Home” in honor of ICD’s Centennial celebration and will be painted in ICD colors green and gold. ICD Philippine Islands has been partnering with Gawad Kalinga, a Philippine poverty alleviation and nation-building movement, for several years to help end poverty for 5 million families by 2024.

Section X: Middle East: Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, all Arab Emirates, Yemen

Section XI: Korea

Section XII: Chinese Taipei

Section XIII: China

Section XIV: Myanmar

Section XV: Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Section XX: Regions