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Global Visionary Fund

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Dos Amigos 2023, Belize

The ICD Global Visionary Fund – Henry Schein Cares grant program supported Dos Amigos’ outreach trip to Belize in April 2023 through a grant of dental supplies valued at over $5,000. The 10-person Dos Amigos team treated almost 600 patients, including dental and medical
assessments and treatments, during 5 days of service. Two clinic days were held in the Dos Amigos Clinic  in Punta Gorda, Toledo District of Belize. The other three days patients were treated in the villages of San Marcos, Jalacte and Blue Creek. The volunteer dentists were able to provide extractions with some requiring sutures, composite restorations – occlusal, MO’s, DO’s, MOD’s and anterior proximals. Scaling
and prophies were also provided. Approximately 135 dental treatments were completed during the mission. The team had two dentists and 1 registered nurse, as well as 8 support volunteers who also helped distribute flip flops, toothbrushes (several thousand), toothpaste, reading glasses and sunglasses. Each patient is given a card where the dental / medical team members note the procedures, assessments and any medications provided. This information is compiled and sent to the Belize Ministry of Health office, with any recommended follow-up noted for the in-country dentists and physicians.

International Council


ICD Sections

Section I: United States of America

Section II: Canada

Section III: Mexico

Section IV: South America

Section V: Europe

Section VI: India, Sri Lanka, Nepal

Section VII: Japan

Section VIII: Australasia

Section IX: Philippine Islands

Section X: Middle East: Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, all Arab Emirates, Yemen

Section XI: Korea

Section XII: Chinese Taipei

Section XIII: China

Section XIV: Myanmar

Section XV: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

Section XX: Regions