b'COUNCIL NEWSMembership Planning Enhancing Direct Engagement DuringtheCouncilmeeting,membershiprecruitmentTheCollegesemailcommunicationscontinuetoflourish, and retention were major topics. The Global Membershipfeaturing regular delivery of ICD publications including two Committee had a productive year in 2022, discussing thedigital editions of The Globe each year. President Chang successes, challenges and best practices of recruiting andbegan 2023 with his New Year greeting. Direct emails to all retainingFellows.AllSectionsandRegionsfacesimilarFellows have garnered remarkable reception, allowing us challenges,includingtheimpactofCOVID-19,agingto gather valuable responses and plan for future initiatives. membership, changing attitudes of younger dentists, debtsAccuracyandup-to-dateinformationareparamountfor of new dental school graduates, and the need for a cleareffectivecommunication.Wearecommittedtoutilizing understandingofthevalueofFellowship.TheCouncilemails and other efficient means to timely deliver updates engaged in healthy discussions, sharing unique membershipto Fellows worldwide, ensuring seamless connectivity across issues while finding common ground for solutions. our College community.College Awards and 2022 AwardeesRecognizing Service and the Opportu-In2022,theCollegeAwardsCommitteeimproveditsnity to Servecomposition and awards vetting process by defining rules andThis is the official ICD motto and is reflected in the Colleges introducing a new role called Awards Advisor. The Advisorshumanitarian projects, educational programs, mentorship success led to its official incorporation into the ICD awardsinitiatives, recruitment efforts and grant opportunities. ICD process. To provide better clarity, the Council also acceptedGlobalmaintainsareal-timeGlobalProjectsRegistry, an Awards Guidelines Form. At the Officer Installation andfeaturinghundredsofprojectsledbyFellowsonan AwardsLuncheoninHouston,MeritoriousAwardswereinteractive map. However, the map is incomplete, and we presented to various individuals for their contributions. Theare seeking project details from those Fellows involved in presidential gavel and chain were exchanged, and the newhumanitarian,educational,leadershipandpublichealth officerswereinstalled.Readmoreaboutthe2022ICDprojects worldwide to update the registry. Showcase your Awardees. The next Council meeting will be held in Seoul,project by submitting the online form today.South Korea, Nov. 3-5, 2023Welcome to ICD Global Stay connected with ICD GlobalFor years there was confusion and inconsistency identifying theICDscentralbodyresponsibleforgoverningand+1 (810) 820-3087administratingtheCollegeworldwide.Termssuchas College at Large orWorldwide College lead to confusion and lack of clarity. ICD Global is now the official [email protected] all communicationssourced from the College Office staff, administration, International Council, Officers and all physical or virtual offices where ICD global tasks are performed. @InternationalCollegeofDentistsInaddition,CollegedirectorshavenowhadtitlesInternational College of Dentists ICDappendedwiththeprefixGlobal.Theapplicationofthe term Global over the past few months has proven to be instantly recognizable and meaningful in communicationsGlobal Operations Center: 615 S. Saginaw Street, withdentalindustry,healthorganizations,partners,Suite 3008, Flint, Michigan, 48502 USA collaborators, Fellows and supporters.8 J OURNAL OF THEI NTERNATIONALC OLLEGE OFD ENTISTS'