Support Our Mission
Please donate to the International College of Dentists to help support our important work around the world.
The ICD is dedicated to recognizing leading dentists; supporting humanitarian oral health care worldwide; providing dental education and instruction; and progressing dentistry and oral health for the benefit of all people. We have over 12,000 Fellows in more than 140 countries, who are leading practitioners, educators, researchers and humanitarians, utilizing their skills and ideas to improve oral health in communities across the globe, especially in under-served communities where the oral health needs are greatest. Your gift to the College directly supports our global operations and our ability to aid our Fellows and their important work.
International College of Dentists is a registered U.S. 501(c)(3) public charity. Tax ID: 47-0797196.
*Donations are tax-deductible under U.S. tax law.
Use the ‘PayPal’ button to make a one-time or recurring gift securely online. Recurring giving is an easy, automatic way to ensure your contribution has a lasting impact that also helps the ICD prepare for the future. Separate your gift into instalments or consider donating monthly. Your credit/debit card can be charged automatically based on the payment schedule that you choose –you can adjust or cancel at any time.