Gallery The Globe 2023, issue #1 IMPACT icdglobaladmin2023-09-08T07:48:55+00:00 The Globe 2023, issue #1 IMPACTicdglobaladmin2023-09-08T07:48:55+00:00 Gallery ICD-WUDAA Scholarship open for 2023 applications icdglobaladmin2023-08-14T09:28:19+00:00 ICD-WUDAA Scholarship open for 2023 applicationsicdglobaladmin2023-08-14T09:28:19+00:00
ICD Global Visionary Fund supports opening of charity clinic in Western Samar, Philippines Gallery ICD Global Visionary Fund supports opening of charity clinic in Western Samar, Philippines icdglobaladmin2023-08-16T07:37:22+00:00 ICD Global Visionary Fund supports opening of charity clinic in Western Samar, Philippinesicdglobaladmin2023-08-16T07:37:22+00:00
New Year Video Message from International President Chang icdglobaladmin2023-08-16T09:27:51+00:00 New Year Video Message from International President Changicdglobaladmin2023-08-16T09:27:51+00:00
The winter issue of The College Today released globally Gallery The winter issue of The College Today released globally icdglobaladmin2023-08-16T09:45:45+00:00 The winter issue of The College Today released globallyicdglobaladmin2023-08-16T09:45:45+00:00
New International Officers elected! Gallery New International Officers elected! icdglobaladmin2023-08-19T09:55:24+00:00 New International Officers elected!icdglobaladmin2023-08-19T09:55:24+00:00
The Globe 2022, vol. 2 Section Reports issue, is released worldwide Gallery The Globe 2022, vol. 2 Section Reports issue, is released worldwide icdglobaladmin2023-08-14T09:54:24+00:00 The Globe 2022, vol. 2 Section Reports issue, is released worldwideicdglobaladmin2023-08-14T09:54:24+00:00
ICD-WUDAA Scholarship recipients announced Gallery ICD-WUDAA Scholarship recipients announced icdglobaladmin2023-08-16T07:38:23+00:00 ICD-WUDAA Scholarship recipients announcedicdglobaladmin2023-08-16T07:38:23+00:00
Summer issue of The College Today released worldwide Gallery Summer issue of The College Today released worldwide icdglobaladmin2023-08-14T10:04:12+00:00 Summer issue of The College Today released worldwideicdglobaladmin2023-08-14T10:04:12+00:00
The International College of Dentists and its role in humanitarian and educational aid Gallery The International College of Dentists and its role in humanitarian and educational aid icdglobaladmin2023-08-14T10:05:35+00:00 The International College of Dentists and its role in humanitarian and educational aidicdglobaladmin2023-08-14T10:05:35+00:00