Dr. Manfred Seidemann

Take a moment and read ICD President Manfred Seidemann’s commentary during his presidential term.

Santiago, Chile: September – October 2010

Dear Fellows around the world,

The purpose of this “Presidential Notes” letter is to provide you with some general information about, and an overview of, your ICD’s 2010 International Council Meeting (the institution’s most important annual meeting). It is a response to the many questions I have received from Fellows regarding the College’s operations and the International Council’s purpose and activities. The letter has three parts – Event Itinerary (October 5-8); Key 2010 Initiatives and Advancements; and Your Support Is Vital.
Event Itinerary – October 5-8 (General information. This is not an official record of the Event)
This year, our International College of Dentists’ Annual International Council activities were held at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando, Florida, USA, between October 5 and 8. The College-at-Large was hosted by Section I – USA, which convened its Annual Regents Meeting at this same venue.
Tuesday, October 5: In the morning, the Executive Committee conducted an Informal Performance Review Meeting for the Central Office personnel (Secretary General Terry Hoffeld and Central Office Administrator Kathleen Bula). In the afternoon, the Executive Committee held its Second Annual Meeting.
Wednesday, October 6: In the morning, the first part of the International Council Meeting was completed. At the beginning of the meeting, after the Opening Prayer delivered by President-elect Charles Siroky and the Roll Call by Secretary General Terrell Hoffeld, the New Councilors were introduced: Fellow Cedric Haddad (Section X), Fellow Leighton Wier (Section I), Fellow James Felix (Section I), Fellow Phillip Dowell (Section V), Fellow Zhou Xuedong (Section XIII), Fellow Koji Hashimoto (Section VII) and Fellow Tun Tun Thwee (Section XIV). Next, the Senior Councilors introduced themselves. Afterward, the guests were greeted and introduced: Fellow Cecil Linehan (Past Editor, Section V), Fellow Sheldon Sydney (Editor, Section V) and Fellow Chen Qianming (Registrar, Section XIII).
Following the period of introductions, the Officers delivered their written Reports. Some provided complementary oral information. The Committees then presented their Reports or asked to do so after they had been able to meet in the afternoon. Lastly, the Sections delivered their written reports. Some took the opportunity to also present a brief oral summary, to highlight certain points or clarify particular issues.
During the recess period, International Editor Jack Hinterman, on behalf of the College-at-Large, presented “THE COLLEGE TODAY” Editor Cecil Linehan with a Certificate of Thanks and Appreciation for her meritorious service and dedication to our International College of Dentists.
Throughout the afternoon, the various Permanent and Special (Ad Hoc) Committees held their meetings.
In the late afternoon, the “Strategic Thinking Session” – an Open Forum for the Council Members – was conducted. The meeting represented a unique opportunity for the informal and spontaneous exchanges of ideas. The conclusions were presented to the Council during the following morning.
Thursday, October 7: The International Council met again for the second and last time during the morning and afternoon, with the Committees presenting their reports. The meeting started with the “Miscellaneous Hour” – a presentation about a topic of general interest for the cultural enrichment of a multinational audience. It was the first time that this “Hour” was included in the Council Meeting program. The speech, entitled “The Middle East:Contrasts, Conflicts, Hospitality, History and Faith,” delivered by Section X Councilor Cedric Haddad, was a very informative, non-political, thought-provoking PowerPoint presentation, lasting approximately 40 minutes. Fellow Haddad received high praise for his excellent talk. As a result of this experience, the “Miscellaneous Hour” will now be a part of every Council Meeting, time permitting.
During its afternoon session, the International Council approved nine Masterships that had been requested by various Sections for outstanding Fellows.
Near the conclusion of the International Council Meeting, Retiring International Councilors Anthony DiMango, Peter Kotschy and Leon Aronson, as well as Retiring Parliamentarian Charles Siroky and Retiring Treasurer William Clitheroe, were Honored and Thanked for their Outstanding Service to their International College of Dentists. They were presented with Certificates expressing their College’s Recognition and Gratitude for their loyal and selfless support. Afterward, a Ceremony was held to install the 2011 Officers.
The 2011 Executive Committee will have the following members: – President, Fellow Charles Siroky (Section I – USA) – President-elect, Fellow Garry Lunn (Section II – Canada) – Vice President, Fellow Leon Aronson (Section I – USA) – Immediate Past President, Fellow Manfred Seidemann (Section IV – South America) – Treasurer, Fellow Clive Ross (Section VIII – Australasia) – Editor, Fellow Jack Hinterman (Section I – USA) – Secretary General, Fellow Terrell Hoffeld (Section I – USA) – Deputy Secretary General, Fellow Vangel Zissi (Section I – USA) – Parliamentarian, Fellow Leighton Wier (Section I – USA).
Toward the end of the International Council Meeting, 2010 President Manfred Seidemann expressed his thanks and appreciation to each member of the Council for the cooperation and support received to conduct the College’s various international tasks. He underscored the fact that all are volunteers, who donate their time and best efforts for our International College of Dentists; that they perform their work for the satisfaction of Serving our College, Profession and humankind, and too, for personal gratification. Indeed, all of the Members of the Council have the same Basic Mission: to take care of our College and assure its stability as well as its continuous advancement!
A special appeal was made for the College to reach out beyond its “borders” to ICD-underserved geographic areas. The power of ICD-supported Projects was illustrated through the Philippines Section’s ICD-Gawad Kalinga Humanitarian Project and its profound impact on creating a bright new future for the local destitute, migrant, homeless population.
Afterward a very simple Ceremony was held for the “Symbolic Transfer” of the Leadership of the Work Team for ICD Progress. 2010 President Manfred Seidemann placed the Gavel in 2010 President-elect Charles Siroky’s hands (the new, one-year Presidential Term will begin on January 1, 2011). The concept for this Team was established September 11-13, 2009, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Those present on that occasion agreed that, henceforth, all projects and initiatives launched under any given International President’s leadership would continue to be developed during the successive presidencies until fully completed. Thus, with the assistance of all the International Council members, our beloved College would see the results of its manifold plans and make stronger, lasting progress.
2010 President-elect Charles Siroky thanked the Council in advance for the privilege of becoming the International College of Dentists’ new President on January 1, 2011. He briefly described his plans and outlined the goals for his Presidential Year. He expressed that his foremost concern is our College’s wellbeing and progress. 2011 President Siroky adjourned the Meeting.
Late in the afternoon, the USA Section presented a Fellowship Orientation Program. It was a very interesting ICD-learning experience.
Friday, October 8: At 1:00 pm, the USA Section held its Convocation and Induction Ceremony. This outstanding event was directed by Section I President Ted Roberson. Dr. J. Bernard Machen, President of the University of Florida, gave a memorable Keynote Speech. Dr. Machen delivered an inspiring speech on Leadership in Dentistry. During the Ceremony, 242 Candidates were granted ICD Fellowship. Dr. Joannes Jean, from Georgetown, Guyana (Region 32, Section XX), was also honored with an ICD-Fellowship. International President Seidemann had the privilege of bestowing the Key to the College upon each Candidate during this magnificent Ceremony.
In the evening, the USA Section hosted a Gala Dinner, centered on honoring the New Fellows. During this event, our College awarded a Certificate to each of its International Past Presidents to Honor, Recognize and Thank them for their Dedication, Loyalty and Generous Service to the International College of Dentists. The USA Section did the same for its Past Presidents. Those former College-at-Large and USA Section leaders who were not present at the Dinner received their Certificates through the mail.
In a ceremony held during the dinner, President Manfred Seidemann presented the Ottofy-Okumura Award – the International College of Dentists’ highest honor – to Fellow Robert Brady. Immediately afterward, Dr. Brady addressed the audience and expressed his deep gratitude for this rare Distinction.
During the latter part of the dinner celebration, a “Symbolic Transfer” of the ICD Presidency took place. First, 2010 President Manfred Seidemann spoke to the audience to congratulate the New Fellows and greet the Fellows throughout the world. He then expressed his appreciation for the honor of serving the International College of Dentists this year as its International President. Afterward, he invited the Fellows to do their utmost for the future of our College. Lastly, he wished Fellows everywhere the very best and much success to 2011 President Charles Siroky, and bestowed him with the Presidential Collar. 2011 President Siroky also addressed the audience. He greeted everyone and warmly congratulated the New Fellows, then went on to thank the College for the privilege of being able to serve the ICD during the coming year and expressed his fervent desire to do his best to advance the institution and its Fellows. It was a very profound and deeply moving ceremony.
The ICD’s Annual International Council Meeting and related activities proved to be a very productive and meaningful Event. Many resolutions were passed, new systems were introduced, Bylaws were modified, and numerous significant motions were approved. Past Leadership was publicly recognized and thanked for bringing our college to its present worldwide position. The many long work sessions were smoothly guided by the Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure. At all times, a Parliamentarian (either Leighton Wier or Charles Siroky) was on hand to advise on matters of parliamentary law and procedures.
Section VI – India, Sri Lanka and Nepal will host the International Council Meeting on November 10-13, 2011, in New Delhi.
Key 2010 Initiatives and Advancements
Our College’s fundamental aim is to elevate Dentistry through having our Fellows spread the Ottofy-Okumura Vision around the world. Another important institutional objective is to promote cordiality throughout the Dental Profession. As ICD Fellows, we are committed to pursuing these and our other core aspirations, in our College as well as in our profession.
During 2010, we have been strengthening our College and reaffirming its commitment to its Fellows. We are bringing the College to each Fellow around the world. Without active and engaged Fellows who feel fully identified with the institution, there is no ICD. All Fellows must perceive that the ICD is their College. The Fellows are the International College of Dentists’ Pillars! Thus, the ICD Leadership has manifold tasks: to guide the Fellows; to interpret and apply the ICD Constitution and Bylaws; to delineate policies; and to practice, teach and promote our Founding Fathers’ global vision of cordiality, communication, universal dental ethics and knowledge. In other words, to spread the ICD Philosophy.
This year, initiatives were launched to bring the College to the Fellows wherever they may reside, establish cordial global communications, expand our College in under-served areas, and prepare the foundation for immediate and long-term local and global expansion. Today, I am proud to announce that Iran and Mongolia are active members of our College. In the near future, our ICD will be active in Egypt and several other African nations. Soon, the Middle East Section will be a union of autonomous Districts.
Our College now makes a special effort to recognize and honor its Past Leadership and Awardees. In addition, it is bringing global ICD news and instruction to its individual Fellows. Those Fellows who have registered their Eaddresses at the Central Office receive birthday greetings and congratulatory letters for their professional achievements.
At this time, I would like to call your attention to some of the Fellows of the “Work Team for ICD Progress” and their vital support this year: – Editor Jack Hinterman, who has been devoting his generosity, enthusiasm and manifold talents to THE GLOBE and THE COLLEGE TODAY, transforming them into our College’s best-known calling cards. – President-elect Charles Siroky, who traveled to those Sections that I was unable to visit this year. – International Past President Heun Taek Jhee, who represented our College at the Induction Ceremony that took place in Mongolia, as well as during the inauguration of Region 36 – Mongolia. – Councilor Christopher Ogunsalu, who is working arduously to bring African nations into our College’s fold. – Councilor Woong Yang, who worked with Fellows Akira Senda and Heun Taek Jhee to establish the ICD in Mongolia. In addition, he is now working to take the College to Kazakhstan and other neighboring countries. – Section I Fellow Mohamed Hassan, who is passionately working to establish our College in Egypt. – Fellow Cedric Haddad, who is devoting time and energy to our College’s growth and development. – Fellow Vangel Zissi, who is continuously providing valuable contacts to help expand our College. – Fellows Leon Aronson and Charles Siroky, who have been carefully analyzing the proper application of our Bylaws. – Fellow Joe Kenneally, who continues to improve our website and Database. – Treasurer William Clitheroe, who dedicated considerable time and effort to thoroughly reviewing the College’s finances. – Fellow Don Johnson, who has devoted his exemplary resourcefulness, energy and enthusiasm to assure the continuity of our College’s ICD Trademark ownership and Incorporation Status.
And there are many more Councilors who have made significant contributions to assist your College. Each of the Council members participates directly and, at times, indirectly in the Work Team’s endeavors. Without this active, enthusiastic participation, the ICD would not be able to advance. This year, the members of the Council have truly shown ICD Fellowship at its best!
Our College promotes selfless leadership dedicated to the betterment of dentistry and dentists, as well as humankind. The ICD’s philosophy and actions are meant to be a practical blueprint for building stronger cordial global relations and understanding in dentistry for the benefit of the profession and of all humanity. Indeed, our Founding Fathers have prepared us for what we, the ICD Fellows, must do and accomplish.
From the outset, our College has united in Fellowship dentists of different nationalities, cultures, languages, races, ethnic origins, religions, political preferences, social backgrounds, countries and regions. Fellows are “equals among peers.” The International College of Dentists is indeed a mixture – a true “amalgam” – of distinguished, ethical, prominent professionals. While the ideas of the College’s Founding Fathers were presented 90 years ago, they continue to resonate and reach dentists everywhere, and stimulate positive change in our world.
One of the College’s most urgent challenges is to prevent apathy and indolence among the Fellows. Excellence is the result of caring and doing more than one may think is necessary or possible. Enthusiasm and active involvement are synonymous with ICD-Fellowship. Indifference and inertia are incompatible with the International College of Dentists.
Our International College of Dentists is a wonderful and truly unique Institution. Where else can one find so many volunteers of such diverse backgrounds embarked on a common humanitarian cause? The Ottofy-Okumura 1920 Vision, as well as the College’s Objectives and Mission, point the way for the advancement of Dentistry and Humankind. It is up to us – Fellows around the world – to keep this vision alive and to use our talents to the best of our ability to make a difference, locally and globally.
Your Support Is Vital
Once again, I would like to invite you to assist your College in developing its full potential. Please: – Ask your local ICD Leadership for a task in your ICD area of interest. – Identify and recommend outstanding and highly ethical colleagues for the Honor of ICD Fellowship. – Send your new or updated E-address to your ICD Central Office (CentralOffice@icd.org). – Send to CentralOffice@icd.org information regarding Fellows who have received an honor, a promotion, published a book, etc., so that our College may send its congratulations. – Favor the services of THE GLOBE advertisers. – Assist your College by securing advertisers for THE GLOBE – 2011. – Send suggestions that you believe can improve your International College of Dentists to CentralOffice@icd.org – Send to CentralOffice@icd.org any questions you may have. We will be glad to answer them. – Visit your College’s innovative, informative website (www.icd.org).
Now, more than ever, our College offers the ICD Fellows the opportunity and the platform to “make a difference” in our profession, in our local and global communities, and in our lives. We are Fellows because we do the right thing, not for the applause or a reward, but because it is the right thing to do. Let us continue on that chosen path!
Hoping that you, dear Fellows, and your Families are well and wishing you all the very best, I remain,

With warmest fraternal and friendly regards,

Manfred Seidemann International President

c.c.: Fellow Terry Hoffeld Secretary General

Downloads: Presidential Notes September / October 2010 (PDF format 117 KB )