Dr. Manfred Seidemann
Take a moment and read ICD President Manfred Seidemann’s commentary during his presidential term.
Santiago, Chile: Thursday, October 14, 2010
Dear Friends All,
October 13, 2010! A most significant and unforgettable day for the 33 miners and their Families, as well as for Chile and Humankind! With God’s guidance and human ingenuity and perseverance, the 33 Chilean miners are back!
“You, Who have shown me many and grievous troubles, revive me again, and from the depths of the earth raise me again.” (Psalm 71:20)
Since yesterday, we have witnessed a world united and genuinely interested in the welfare of 33 modest individuals living in “far away” Chile! Also, a grateful and cohesive nation began writing a new chapter in its History, based on Faith and Generosity, plus global Teamwork and Hard Work, all bound together with Optimism and Goodwill. Negativism and defeatism were overpowered. What occurred yesterday is indeed a Testimony to Life! Last, but also very important, Positive, Selfless, Resolute Leadership proved to be a decisive factor in helping to solve the endless series of seemingly insuperable problems.
Chile is a model to emulate! On February 27, the country suffered a devastating earthquake. On August 5, the life-threatening ordeal of the 33 miners began. These nightmares, far from crushing the Chilean spirit, served to bring out the best in the nation’s people, who responded with optimism and their best efforts. From these hardships, a more energized, united and confident nation emerged.
As a citizen of Chile, and on behalf of all Chileans, I want to thank each ICD-Fellow for the optimism, good wishes, prayers and encouragement expressed during the 69 days that the miners were trapped underground, at a depth of 622 meters. Thank you all for your kindness and solidarity!
A vigorous mixture of humility, pride and gratitude is now evident in Chile. May the unfailing Faith and Fortitude of the 33 miners, as well as the exemplary Generosity, Perseverance and Ingenuity of the Rescuers serve to inspire all of us, ICD-Fellows, to firmly unite around the 1920 Ottofy-Okumura ICD Vision to take our College to new, greater heights.
With much affection, on behalf of the Chilean Fellows, Your
Manfred Seidemann Fellow, Chile ICD District (Section IV-South America) International President
Downloads: Presidential Message October 14, 2010 (PDF format 56 KB )