Dr. Manfred Seidemann

Take a moment and read ICD President Manfred Seidemann’s commentary during his presidential term.

2025 Dr. Seidemann’s Obituary

The International College of Dentists joins the dental community worldwide in mourning the passing of Dr. Manfred Seidemann, the 2010 ICD Global President, Ottofy Okumura awardee, and a distinguished leader in dentistry.
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2010 Presidential Farewell

Dear ICD-Fellows Around the World,

As 2010 and my Presidential term come to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for the Honor I was granted to serve you throughout the ICD-world as your President. For me, this year has been an incredible journey filled with extraordinarily powerful, humbling and moving ICD experiences. Each occurrence was an unforgettable testimony of ICD-Fellowship in action.
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2010 Presidential Report – November/December

Dear Fellows around the world,

These past two months have been a very dynamic and exciting period for our ICD. Through my November 23-December 5 Official ICD Visit to Vietnam, Singapore and Lebanon, I feel especially privileged to have been, once again, a witness to the ICD Spirit in action around the world.
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2010 Presidential Letter – October 14, 2010

Dear Friends All,

October 13, 2010! A most significant and unforgettable day for the 33 miners and their Families, as well as for Chile and Humankind! With God’s guidance and human ingenuity and perseverance, the 33 Chilean miners are back!
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2010 Presidential Report – September/October

Dear Fellows around the world,

The purpose of this “Presidential Notes” letter is to provide you with some general information about, and an overview of, your ICD’s 2010 International Council Meeting (the institution’s most important annual meeting). It is a response to the many questions I have received from Fellows regarding the College’s operations and the International Council’s purpose and activities. The letter has three parts – Event Itinerary (October 5-8); Key 2010 Initiatives and Advancements; and Your Support Is Vital.
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2010 Presidential Report – July / August

Dear Fellows around the world,

During my conversations with Fellows in different countries this past year, I could readily sense that ICD-Fellowship is viewed as a High Honor. It is a Distinction that recipients greatly appreciate. However, I could also perceive a lack of understanding regarding our College’s Purpose, Organizational Structure, National Identity, Route, and Guiding Spirit. As I stated in my previous Presidential Notes, I strongly believe that such misunderstandings must be promptly rectified. Fellows should be knowledgeable about their College.
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2010 Presidential Report – June

Dear Fellows around the world,

On June 24th, my daughter Deborah and I returned from Europe, where I attended Section V’s Regents Meeting and Induction Ceremony. My recent contacts with seven different Sections provided me with the opportunity to speak with many Fellows of different nationalities. These exchanges often brought to my attention the Fellows’ admiration for our College, as well as their widespread humanitarian devotion. Indeed, ours is a unique Institution comprised of exceptional people!

These conversations also alerted me to a lack of knowledge regarding our College’s types or classes of Fellowship (membership) and Awards. To address this issue, I would like to take this opportunity to provide some general information about and explain the significance of these Distinctions.
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2010 Presidential Report – May

Dear Fellows around the world,

During my recent visits to Sections IX-Philippines, XI-Korea, VI-India, XII-Taipei and VII-Japan, I had the opportunity to speak with many Fellows. Through our conversations I learned a lot. I became aware of I.C.D. organization-related misunderstandings and mistaken notions circulating among the Fellows. Many of the observations and questions I heard were repetitive. Thus, I have to assume that the misinterpretations and lack of I.C.D. knowledge might be widespread. This month, instead of writing about my recent visits, I would like to rectify several mistaken I.C.D.-related notions I heard from Fellows during my trip.
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2010 Presidential Report – April

Dear I.C.D. Fellow and Friend,

It is my hope that this letter finds you well and filled with enthusiasm for our College and its noble missions. I also want to thank the responses received to the last Presidential Notes. They were very gratifying and stimulating. Many of the recommendations are being incorporated in our College’s Action Plans.

In the spirit of the newly established “Work Team for the Advancement of the I.C.D.” and “I.C.D. Leadership” concepts, I.C.D. Central Office Administrator Kathleen Bula, Secretary-General Terry Hoffeld, President-Elect Charles Siroky and President Manfred Seidemann met on April 19 and 20, 2010, at the College’s Central Office. This meeting did not generate any expenses for the International College of Dentists.
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2010 Presidential Report – March

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Today I am writing you regarding a very important task you can perform for our College. It is closely related to your Initiation in your International College of Dentists as well as to your personal and professional achievements. At the end of these Presidential Notes I remind you of two missions you can easily perform for your College.

The International College of Dentists is the oldest global, honorary, dental organization. Through the granting of Fellowships, our College honors those dentists who observe impeccable ethics and have distinguished themselves in their professional or academic, and communitarian lives. As a Fellow, you are aware that the Honor of Fellowship in the International College of Dentists is obtained solely through ‘invitation’.
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2010 Presidential Report – February

College At Large President Manfred Seidemann of Chile has called 2010 the year to build The International College of Dentists and to engage ICD Fellows everywhere. He made this charge while presiding over the meetings of the Executive Committee in Washington, D.C., USA, January 8 through 10, 2010. Now is the time to rebuild international relations by means of sensitive and cordial communications. Announcing an ambitious travel schedule to reach out to individual Fellows worldwide, Dr. Seidemann charged all ICD leaders to join with him in the task of teaching both new and senior Fellows the concepts and purposes of The College.
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2010 Presidential Report – January

Dear I.C.D. Fellows and Friends, On behalf of the International College of Dentists, I would like to wish every Fellow and her or his family all the very best for 2010. May the present year bring Health, Happiness, Prosperity and Personal Satisfaction to each member of our vast I.C.D. Family.
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2010 Presidential Letter to Int’l Councilors – January

Dear Friends, Thank you for the honor of serving, during the year 2010, as President of our International College of Dentists and its Fellows. Your trust, dear colleagues, is very stimulating.

The International College of Dentists-at-large and I wish each of you all the very best for 2010. May this New Year bring you and your Families abundant Health, Happiness, Prosperity, Peace, and Personal Satisfaction.
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