Who Are We?
The International College of Dentists (ICD) has been Honoring the World’s Leading Dentists Since 1920™ with 12,000+ members (designated as Fellows) in more than 140 countries.
Fellowship in the College is by invitation only and is granted in recognition of an individual dentist’s outstanding professional achievement, meritorious service and dedication to the continued progress of dentistry for the benefit of humankind.
Prior to being recognized as a Fellow of the ICD, the candidate’s qualifications and achievements are evaluated by a series of credential committees in order to ensure that the individual is deserving of this honor and will live up to the ICD motto of “Recognizing Service as well as the Opportunity to Serve”. Once initiated, a Fellow in good standing is authorized to use the title ‘FICD’ after their name.
The Global Office of the International College of Dentists is virtual and managed by a remote team working around the world.
Our Core Values:

Our Motto
Recognizing Service and the Opportunity to Serve
Our motto comes alive through the humanitarian, educational, public health and leadership projects and initiatives being carried out by ICD Sections, Regions and Fellows around the world.
Our History
The International College of Dentists was conceived at a farewell party for Dr. Louis Ottofy in November of 1920 in Tokyo, Japan.
Dr. Ottofy was returning to the United States after practicing dentistry for 23 years in the Philippines and Japan. Dr. Tsurukichi Okumura, of Japan, was in attendance and together with Dr. Ottofy, agreed to form an international organization to study the progress of the dental profession and distribute the information to all countries globally.
The details and organization of the future College were discussed over the ensuing years and incorporated in 1928, in Washington, DC.
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