Dr. Manfred Seidemann

Take a moment and read ICD President Manfred Seidemann’s commentary during his presidential term.

Santiago, Chile: November – December 2010

Dear Fellows around the world,

These past two months have been a very dynamic and exciting period for our ICD. Through my November 23-December 5 Official ICD Visit to Vietnam, Singapore and Lebanon, I feel especially privileged to have been, once again,  a witness to the ICD Spirit in action around the world.   This reaffirmed my conviction that:
– No other worldwide, honorary dental organization has the quality of our membership. – The ICD-Fellows are the heart and soul of The International College of Dentists. – Our College is Global Fellowship. – Fellows, regardless their varied backgrounds, are united via the ICD Ideals. – ICD-Fellowship entails having High Expectations, taking on Responsibility and pursuing Excellence, always.
Each ICD Section/Region visit was aimed at: introducing and bringing the ICD to its Fellows; learning first hand from the Fellows about their progress and difficulties; providing assistance whenever needed or requested.  Also, and most important, through a better understanding of each ICD Section/Region experience, ensure that the College remains fully in tune with its Global Family.
I must say that the trip was an extraordinary opportunity to meet Fellows in their homeland; to get to know them, their families, their culture and their ICD work.  The warm and gracious hospitality; the official visits, tours, meetings and ceremonies; the very close contact with fascinating nations and cultures were truly unforgettable and will be a constant source of inspiration for me in the years to come.

The following are some of the ICD highlights of this trip:

Region 31-Vietnam

On September 8, 1997, in Hanoi, International Past President Herbert K. Yee and Section XX Councilor Teo Choo Soo presided over an Induction Ceremony granting Fellowship to 24 Vietnam Region Candidates.  USA Section Fellow Nguyen Thanh Nguyen played a key role in the launching of this new ICD Region.  Despite its promising start, ICD Region 31- Vietnam has been inactive in recent years.
Section XX Councilor Yeo Jin Fei and Australasia Section Fellow Hien Ngo arranged a meeting for me with ICD-Vietnam’s Inactive Fellows, in Hue City, during the 8th. Dental Science-Training Congress and Exhibition (organized by the Vietnam Odonto-Stomatology Association; November 24-26, 2010). Its purpose was to reactivate the Region.
The Congress was an excellent Academic Event. During the Opening Ceremony, I was honored to be one of four dignitaries on the podium, seated next to the Minister of Health. It was my privilege, on the first day, to deliver a talk on ethics, and to close the 2-day Dental Congress with a presentation on our International College of Dentists.
In Hue City, I met with a number of very distinguished academicians who were “Inactive ICD-Fellows.”  They were very eager to discuss ways to “re-freshen”, as they expressed it, their ICD Region.  Immediate progress was made and the details will be worked out in the months ahead.  The ICD-Vietnam Region re-inauguration, plus an accompanying ICD Continuing Education Event and Induction Ceremony, are tentatively scheduled for April 2011.
The Vietnam Visit was a memorable reunion with exceptional, meritorious and hardworking colleagues committed to actively participate in the Ottofy-Okumura Dream. Through dedicated local teamwork and the active participation of our College-at-Large, Region 31-Vietnam will be refreshed and move forward to realize its promising potential. Fellow Hien Ngo was awarded a Presidential Certificate to Honor, Recognize and Thank him for his Dedication, Loyalty and Generous Service to the International College of Dentists.

Region 25-Singapore-Indonesia; Singapore

The Region 25-Singapore-Indonesia Visit, in Singapore, included a frank and productive ICD-Orientation and Evaluation Meeting.  Also, a moving Initiation (Induction) Ceremony took place.  Internal expansion was discussed, as well as the need to incorporate Brunei into the Region.
The Region’s Initiation (Induction) Ceremony was held on Sunday, November 28, in the evening.  It was organized and presided by Regent Yeo Jin Fei.  Twenty-one distinguished colleagues from Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei were granted the Honor of ICD Fellowship.  Regent Yeo and I participated with speeches.  I also presented a Fellowship Orientation Program.
At the end of the Ceremony, Fellow Yeo Jin Fei was awarded a Presidential Certificate to Honor, Recognize and Thank him for his Dedication, Loyalty and Generous Service to the International College of Dentists.  After the Event, a dinner was held to celebrate this special occasion.
On Monday, November 30th., I visited the National University of Singapore Dental School. Prof. Yeo Jin Fei gave me a tour of this impressive institution, where, early in the morning, I presented two lectures on Ethics.

Section X-Middle East; Lebanon

The Section X-Middle East Visit was a remarkable series of ICD-related experiences. Councilor Cedric Haddad was a very gracious host and guide.  Together, we visited the Dental Museum, American University of Beirut and the Lebanese University School of Dentistry.  I had interesting meetings with the heads of the three institutions.
I was asked to participate in the Section’s Regents Meeting, which was an intensive work session.  Several pressing aspects of the Section’s growth and development were analyzed.
Section X’s Annual Continuing Education Program, “Management of Dental Problems for the Aging Population,” was outstanding.  It represented a significant contribution to the Middle East Dental Profession, very much in keeping with the College’s founding principles.
The Initiation (Induction) Ceremony was very well organized.  Fellow Cedric Haddad presented the Fellowship Orientation Program.  President Roy Sabri delivered a speech to explain this preeminent International College of Dentists and ICD-Middle East Section Event.  It was my privilege to address the audience and especially, to welcome each of the 10 new Fellows to ‘their’ College as they received their Fellowship Certificates.  To close this remarkable Event, Fellow Cedric Haddad was awarded a Presidential Certificate to Honor, Recognize and Thank him for his Dedication, Loyalty and Generous Service to the International College of Dentists.

Concluding Thoughts

My ICD Visits have confirmed to me Tsurukichi Okumura and Louis Ottofy’s rationale in visualizing, naming and founding the International College of Dentists.  But more important, through my conversations with numerous Fellows as well as my attendance at many Official ICD Meetings, I have seen that our College’s Mission and Objectives are indeed timeless and necessary.  Consequently, I believe it is essential that our College continues to strengthen its relationship with the Fellows around the world and to build Fellowship in ICD-underserved geographic areas.  This year, great strides were made to both expand our ICD-Family and bring it closer together.  Much remains to be done.
Hoping that you, dear Fellows, and your Families are well and wishing you all the very best, I remain,

With warmest fraternal and friendly regards,

Manfred Seidemann International President

c.c.: Fellow Terry Hoffeld Secretary General

Downloads: Presidential Notes November / December 2010 (PDF format 62 KB )