ICD History 1920-2000
1920 – During the year the idea for International College of Dentists was conceived and later planned out at a farewell party for LOUIS OTTOFY, D.D.S., M.D., LLD in Tokyo, Japan. He was returning to the United States after practicing dentistry 23 years in the Philippines and Japan. Dr. TSURUKICHI OKUMURA of Japan was in attendance and urged Dr. OTTOFY to continue to pursue the formalization of the nascent international organization to study the progress of the dental profession and distribute the information to all countries of the world. The details and organization of the College were discussed over the ensuing years.
1926 – Philadelphia, U.S.A. 6th International Dental Congress Dr. OTTOFY’s Japanese friends inquired as to the status of the organization and the on-going discussions that had begun several years earlier in Japan. Plans were disclosed for the organization to be composed of leading international dentists. Its purpose to promote cordial relations within the professional and help disseminate scientific information.

Co-Founder of the International College of Dentists Registrar, 1931-1935

Co-Founder of the International College of Dentists
1927 December 31 – Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
New Year’s Eve, the International College of Dentists was officially registered.
1928 – Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Dr. OTTOFY reported from the Central Office 250 Fellows had accepted Fellowship in the College, and these were scattered throughout 162 countries, states and provinces. In selecting men for Fellowship, it was thought advisable to pick first those who had International reputations and were active in the Federation Dentaire Internationale. They in turn were requested to recommend others from their respective countries. Those practicing in less frequented countries were selected on the recommendation of the governor, resident commissioner, secretary of state, United States minister or consul, the chief medical officer or the board of health, hygiene or education, upon the following basis:
“Please nominate the ablest, most progressive, best educated, ethical practitioner in your country, regardless of his place of domicile, nationality, race, color or religion.”
Accompanying this was a copy of the constitution. The request was so faithfully carried out that in many instances no nomination could be made on the grounds that, –
“There is no dentist practicing in the country who can be recommended in accordance with the high ideals of the College.”
Officers and Board of Regents were: |
President: |
Havana, Cuba |
Vice President: |
London, England |
Registrar: |
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. |
Treasurer: |
Charlottetown, Canada |
Board of Regents: |
Paris, France |
Berlin, Germany |
Basie, Switzerland |
Madrid, Spain |
Rome, Italy |
Vienna, Austria |
Tokyo, Japan |
Shanghai, China |
Calcutta, India |
Montevideo, Uruguay |
Sydney, Australia |
Capetown, South Africa |
July 9 – Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
I.C.D. incorporated under the Laws of the District of Columbia. U.S.A Central office for the College Registrar was moved to Oakland, California, U.S.A. as Dr. OTTOFY, the Registrar, had moved his practice there.
Originally, membership was to be gratis and limited to 300. England, France and Russia were allowed five members each, other countries one member each, and each of the largest states of the United States of America, one member. Fellows were to be chosen by the Board of Regents. This proved impractical and was changed to a more democratic method.
1929 December 29 – Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
New certificate of incorporation issued.
1930 July 22 – Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
First I.C.D. Official Convocation held during the American Dental Association meeting. I.C.D. consisted of 174 countries, states and provinces, with 266 members. Dr. ELMER BEST of Minneapolis, Minnesota was appointed the first Secretary General of the College. I.C.D. President Dr. ERNEST JASSEN BASEL, Switzerland.
1930 July 22 – Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
First I.C.D. Official Convocation held during the American Dental Association meeting. I.C.D. consisted of 174 countries, states and provinces, with 266 members. Dr. ELMER BEST of Minneapolis, Minnesota was appointed the first Secretary General of the College. I.C.D. President Dr. ERNEST JASSEN BASEL, Switzerland.
Secretary General of the College and Registrar of the U.S.A. Section 1935-1954 |
1931 Summer – Paris, France
I.C.D. members attending the Dental Congress wrote a new Constitution and By-Laws establishing an Autonomous Section with their own constitution and by-laws operating within those of the parent organization.
Officers and Board of Regents were: |
President: |
Paris, France |
Vice President: |
Geneva, Switzerland |
Registrar: |
Oakland, California, U.S.A. |
Treasurer: |
Brussels, Belgium |
Board of Regents: |
W. H. GIL |
Liverpool, England |
Stuckert, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany |
Genoa, Italy |
Madrid, Spain |
Lwow, Poland |
Vienna, Austria |
Tokyo, Japan |
Shanghai, China |
Calcutta, India |
Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Sydney, Australia |
Johannesburg, South Africa |
Between 1928 and 1931 the principal work and effort was to complete the Fellowship in foreign countries. Though the membership then totaled but 288, an increase in some forty, many of those previously selected did not qualify upon further investigation, and many in the meantime had passed away. Where 162 countries had been represented in 1928, now members from 176 parts of the world made up the College.
1934 February 26 – Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Mid-Winter Meeting
U.S.A. Section began operation – Chicago, Illinois. Sections planned.
1935 February – Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Dr. ELMER BEST elected as I.C.D. Registrar, replacing Dr. OTTOFY. The Central office was established in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
1936 Summer – Vienna, Austria 9th International Dental Congress
I.C.D. Fellows met and it was decided to plan a meeting for each Dental Congress.
1937 – Chicago, Illinois
College adopted resolution: “the aim and purpose of the I.C.D. is to recognize conspicuous and meritorious service to the profession of dentistry. All worthy and qualified recipients of Fellowship in the I.C.D. shall be considered regardless of previous or future affiliation with honorary organizations.” The objectives of the College were established.
1938 – I.C.D.
President RENE JACCARD, Geneva, Switzerland
1939 – Tennessee, U.S.A.
Dr. JUSTIN TOWNER, former U.S.A. Section President, designed the College Key adopted by the I.C.D. During World War II the College did not remain active. Business affairs were conducted by the U.S.A. Section.
July 20 – Oakland, California, U.S.A.
Dr. LOUIS OTTOFY passed away. He was 79 years old and had served his profession for 62 years and is recognized as the co-founder of the I.C.D.
1947 – Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
I.C.D. reorganized.
1948 September 12 – Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Canadian members formed Autonomous Section.
1949 February 6 – Canada Canada Section installed officers, inducted new Fellows.
1950 – I.C.D.
President Dr. M. CLAUSON, Canada
1951 – I.C.D.
President Dr. LOUIS RENFROW, U.S.A.
1952 – I.C.D.
President Dr. EARNEST CHARRON, Canada I.C.D. President Dr. OREN OLIVER, U.S.A. Dr. H.O. WESTERDAHL (WESTY) appointed Deputy Registrar and Secretary General.
1954 – I.C.D.
President OREN OLIVER, U.S.A
July 9 – Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Dr. ELMER BEST passed away. He served as both Secretary-General of the College and Registrar of the U.S.A. Section.
November – Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
Dr. H.O. WESTERDAHL, then Deputy Registrar of the U.S.A. Section from Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A., was named Secretary General of the College. Dr. HAROLD S. EBERHARDT was appointed Deputy Registrar and Editor of the I.C.D. official Journal (Newsletter). Central office remained in Minnesota, U.S.A.
1955 – I.C.D.
Secretary General of the College and Registrar of the U.S.A. Section 1954-1974 |
1956 – I.C.D.
President PHILIP ADAMS, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
London, England
Dr. H.O. WESTERDAHL assisted the European members in forming the European Section of the College. Official cap and gown designed for the I.C.D.
1957 – I.C.D.
1958 – I.C.D.
President FRANK MARTIN, Toronto, Canada. Executive Council governing body of College granted autonomous status to Japan Section. Official Convocation ceremony started.
1959 – I.C.D.
April – Tokyo, Japan
President-Elect GORDON AGNEW participated in the inaugural meeting of the Japan Section.
1960 – I.C.D.
President GORDON AGNEW, Canada Later in California, U.S.A.
1961 – I.C.D.
President JOSEPH KENNEDY, Louisiana, U.S.A.
1962 – I.C.D.
President FRED RlCHOND, Kansas, U.S.A.
1963 – I.C.D.
President CHESTER PERSCHBACHER, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
1964 – I.C.D.
President PERCY PHILLIPS, New York, U.S.A.
May 30 – Perth, Australia
I.C.D. Past President GORDON AGNEW represented the College at the Australian inaugural meeting. The Section included New Zealand, Fiji Islands and Papua, New Guinea.
June 28 – New Delhi, India
Dr. GORDON AGNEW presented charter to India the Section that includes Sir Lanka.
1965 – I.C.D.
President LEE ROY ENNIS, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
1966 – I.C.D.
President LLOYD GROSE, Canada
May – Manila, Philippines
I.C.D. past President GORDON AGNEW presided as autonomous Philippine Section was created. Dr. B.B. ERANA was instrumental in establishing this Section. The Middle East Region petitioned for autonomy to be composed of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. Aden and Yemen, Sudan, Egypt and Kuwait added later to Section.
1967 – I.C.D.
President CHARLES C. BERGER, New York, U.S.A.
May – Beirut, Lebanon
I.C.D. past President GORDON AGNEW presented the charter to the Middle East Section. Scientific and Educational Bulletin published and mailed to members. Dr. GORDON AGNEW, Editor.
1968 – I.C.D.
President HOWARD A. HARTMAN, Ohio, U.S.A.
1969 – I.C.D.
President JACQUES FOURE, Paris, France
1970 – I.C.D.
President CHARLES H. PATTON, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
1971 – I.C.D.
President B. B. ERANA, Manila, Philippines
1972 – I.C.D.
President ROBERTO H. RUFF, Mexico City, Mexico
1973 – I.C.D.
President DONALD O. ERICKSON, Minnesota, U.S.A.
1974 – I.C.D.
President THOMAS P. FOX, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Secretary-General H.O. WESTERDAHL retired after 20 years of service. FRANKLIN M. KENWARD succeeded him as Secretary-General.
Secretary General of the College and Registrar of the U.S.A. Section 1974-1989 |
1975 – I.C.D
President J. MURRAY GAVEL, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Dr. HAROLD S. EBERHARDT was elected President-Elect of the U.S.A Section, leaving the Editorship of the College Newsletter (21 years). Secretary-General KENWARD edited the publications for a brief period of time.
1976 – I.C.D.
President T.C. LEE, California, U.S.A.
November – Las Vegas, Nevada
Jeanette Robins, Secretary for the College and U..S.A. Section, was given Honorary Fellowship in the College.
1977 – I.C.D.
President SEIJI KAWABE, Tokyo, Japan, Australia Section name changed to Australasian Section. DOROTHY CASSATLY hired as new Secretary to College and U.S.A. Section. Dr. WILLIAM E. HAWKlNS, Phoenix, Arizona, appointed Editor of College annual publication Newsletter.
1978 – I.C.D.
President A. GORDON ROWELL, Sydney, Australia. Dr. ROWELL visited all the autonomous Sections and many other countries of the International College (formerly At Large).
Anaheim, California (Disneyland) – I.C.D.
Celebrates the 50th anniversary – November 1978 Secretary-General KENWARD led first I.C.D. tour to the Orient. Convocation was held and dental schools visited in Japan, Taiwan, Philippines and Hong Kong. I.C.D. members toured a dental clinic in Canton, China. President-Elect CYRIL DeVERE GREEN officiated at these ceremonies. I.C.D. Scientific and Educational Bulletin edited by Dr. GORDON AGNEW was discontinued. Volume XI was the last issue.
1979 – I.C.D.
President CYRIL DeVERE GREEN, London, England.
1980 – I.C.D.
President GEORGE D. SELFRIDGE, St. Louis. Missouri. U.S.A. President SELFRIDGE visited Puerto Rico and made an extensive Orient tour addressing dental groups, scientific sessions and dental schools in Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines and Japan. The Inter-American Section became the Mexican Section. The other Latin American countries joined the International Section. This division of the College has no specific geographical boundaries providing a Section for Fellows that reside outside an official autonomous Section. Executive Council voted to defray part of the costs the I.C.D. presidents incur in visiting the various Sections.
1981 – I.C.D.
President JOSEPH TAMARI, Beirut, Lebanon
January 16 – Sao Paulo, Brazil
President TAMARI and Secretary-General KENWARD conducted the Convocation and Ceremony to make South American the tenth Autonomous Section of the College. I.C.D. sponsored a tour in conjunction with charter presentations.
1982 – I.C.D.
President DON L. ALLEN, Gainesville, Florida. U.S.A. President ALLEN and Dr. KENWARD and group visited Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan and conducted meetings with I.C.D. Fellows.
1983 – I.C.D.
President ERNESTO ACUNA, Mexico City, Mexico. Dr. ACUNA participated in ceremonies in Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, Korea, India and Europe. Celebrated the 25th anniversary of Japan Section.
1984 – I.C.D.
President JOHN W. HEIN, Boston, Massachusetts. U.S.A. President HEIN conducted the first Executive Council meeting out of the U.S., meeting held in Montreal, Canada. College annual publication renamed Globe, with new format of Journal of Events and Scientific Articles.
1985 – I.C.D.
President WILLIAM J. SPENCE, Toronto, Canada. Dr. SPENCE represented the College in Australia; and many more Sections in the Orient and Mexico.
1986 – I.C.D.
President PRIMO GONZALES, Manila, Philippines. President GONZALES represented the College in Taipei, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Korea.
June 19
Dr. GONZALES presided over the Annual Executive Council meeting in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
July 8 – Beijing, China
I.C.D. Secretary-General KENWARD and a delegation of 69 U.S.A. I.C.D. Fellows attended the Convocation and Symposium, 29 new Fellows inducted. U.S.A. Section project “The Audiovisual History Series of Outstanding Leaders of Dentistry” was started.
1987 – I.C.D.
President JAMES S. RIDLEN, Naperville, Illinois. Dr. RIDLEN toured the Orient and visited the new Fellows in China.
1988 – I.C.D.
President FRANCISUS LANKHOF, Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 14
I.C.D. Executive Council, meeting in Sydney, Australia was conducted by President LANKHOF. Dr. LANKHOF revisited Singapore and other Sections in Southeast Asia.
1989 January
I.C.D. Secretary-General FRANKLIN KENWARD retired after 15 years of service. Rear Admiral RICHARD SHAFFER, Chief of Naval Dental Corps., retired from the military. He was appointed Secretary-General of the College and Registrar of the U.S.A. Section. Central office moved to Washington, D.C.
Secretary of the College and Registrar of the U.S.A. Section 1989-1999 |
1989 – I.C.D.
President PAUL H. LOFLIN, Beckley, West Virginia. U.S.A. President LOFLIN represented the College in South America.
November 3 – Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
OTTOFY-OKUMURA Award established. This Award is presented in recognition of outstanding effort in promoting the ideals and objectives of the College as described in Article II of the College Constitution. First recipient Dr. FRANKLIN KENWARD.
1990 – I.C.D.
President HAROLD S. EBERHARDT, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
1992 – I.C.D.
President JOHN O. FORREST, London, England President FORREST passed away and was succeeded by President-Elect IRVING SIEGEL, Toronto, Canada, at the June Council meeting in Vilamoura, Portugal.
1993 – I.C.D.
President IRVING SIEGEL, Toronto, Canada Taiwan requested approval to become the Taipei Autonomous Section.
1994 – I.C.D.
President RICHARD C. RICE, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. Taipei Section was chartered.
1995- I.C.D.
President HEUN TAIK JHEE, Seoul, Korea. International Roster approved.
1996 – I.C.D.
President HERBERT K. YEE, Sacramento, California, U.S.A. Vietnam requested Region status.
1997 – I.C.D.
President GERITT van der HARST, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1998 – I.C.D.
President LLOYD J. PHILLIPS, Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. Web page was opened. Vietnam was opened as Region 31.
1999 – I.C.D.
President DAVID B. GLYNN, London, England International Induction and continuing education conference was held in Santiago, Chile. Council suspends publication of the Globe for the year 2000 to reduce expenses. RICHARD G. SHAFFER retires after ten years as Secretary General. Retired Army Brigadier General ROBERT E. BRADY becomes the Secretary General of the College and Registrar of the U.S.A. Section.
Secretary General of the College and Registrar of the U.S.A. Section 1999 – 2009 |
2000 – I.C.D.
President SYDENHAM DOBBIN, Yass, N.S.W., Australia
2001 – I.C.D.
Revision of the Constitution and Bylaws completed. President RICHARD J. SCHOESSLER, Pierre, South Dakota, U.S.A. The Office of the College moved to the 14th floor of the same building.
2002 – I.C.D.
President VICTOR J. LANCTIS, Ottawa, ON, Canada
2003 – I.C.D.
President MINORU HORIUCHI, Newton Center, MA, U.S.A.
2004 – I.C.D.
President RAMON CASTILLO, Lima, Peru
2005 – I.C.D.
President LON D.CARROLL, Gresham, OR, U.S.A.
2006 – I.C.D.
President CHAO-CHANG CHAN, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 – I.C.D.
President DONALD E. JOHNSON, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A.
2008 – I.C.D.
President NORINAGA MORIYAMA, Tokyo, Japan
2009 – I.C.D.
President RICHARD A. SHICK, Grand Blanc MI, U.S.A. Web site redesigned China Section was chartered. Myanmar Section was chartered.
2010 – I.C.D.
President MANFRED SEIDEMANN, Santiago, Chile ROBERT E. BRADY retired after 10 years of service as Secretary General. J. TERRELL HOFFELD becomes the Secretary General of the College. The Office of the College moved to new location, 1010 Rockville Pike, Suite 510, Rockville, MD
Secretary General of the College 2010 – 2011 |
2011 – I.C.D.
President Charles L. Siroky, USA John “JACK” V. HINTERMAN becomes the Secretary General of the College.
Secretary General of the College 2011 – 2020 |

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